Ask the Expert.. | Jan Feb 2011

Dr KG Umesh (MVSc, MSc (UK)) is a Postgraduate in Clinical Medicine. He is working for WALTHAM as Regional Associate for South Asia.

Q: My cat who is nine years old is showing pain and difficulty in movement. Please do advice.
Ajith, Coimbatore

Dr KG Umesh: Your pet may be having neuromuscular, skeletal or joint problem considering age and symptoms mentioned here. Some causes of pain in senior cat include joint diseases, inflammatory or infectious diseases and neoplasia. The definitive diagnosis for pain is made by evaluating your cat’s history, clinical signs, radiographic/scanning findings and relevant lab tests. The treatment plan depends on the underlying cause and also includes weight management (in overweight/obese cats), exercise moderation, physical therapy, nutritional and anti-inflammatory medications. Do not administer human pain killers as they are toxic to cats