Care Made Simpler!!


Mitu Paul
The first look, the first touch, the first lick… is always special. We cherish the endearing bond that a puppy shares with his mother and we understand the extra care that the mother needs. While we can’t substitute a mother’s love, for her milk we offer #FITMIN MILK.  –by Mitu Paul

Happiness is a warm puppy! Isn’t it? They tug at the strings of our hearts, lick away our tiredness from the day and fill us up with selfless love! These young ones of canines are a sight to behold and in no time, they establish an emotional bond with our entire household. The warmth that a puppy brings to the house and life is beyond words!

Life changing experience
The year of 2020 saw a huge influx in the number of pet parents and many couples or even single adults got a young pup home for company. It’s a life changing experience for sure, but along with also comes the entire gamut of responsibilities and health risks of a pup’s nascent age. As with a human baby, puppies too are prone to both virus and infections for which a regimented vaccination schedule with the vet must be maintained along with a very well-crafted nutrition plan. A healthy diet aims at longevity, robustness, immunity, palatability and digestive ease.

Suitable solutions
Our concentration has always been on deep research on a pet’s physiology and then come up with suitable solutions. Our history of lactose goes back to the 1990s and is the only Czech brand and one of the few in Europe with technology enabling the addition of fresh meat to the extrusion. We use so-called mechanically-boned meat of high quality, which is human grade thereby giving the puppy formulas an excellent taste, much loved by even the fussiest of dogs. The formulas don’t contain soy or other genetically modified ingredients.

Need for well nourishment
Puppyhood is the most important period of a dog’s life and at the same time most demanding for pet parents. Unless a puppy is well nourished, we can’t expect him to be healthy and strong in adulthood. Also, let’s not forget the mother here! In comparison to other adult dogs, pregnant and lactating mothers need more energy and nutrition to meet their puppies’ as well as their own needs, and so keeping them on just any regular adult dog food won’t suffice.

In the first days of the puppy’s life, adequate nutrition is provided by mother’s milk, which is rich in nutrients. After the birth, the mother dog’s foremilk contains substances that protect the puppy against various diseases. The composition of the milk gradually changes and the milk provides enough nutrition for up to 3 -4 weeks of age. Around this time, the puppy generally needs to start getting supplementary food. We believe that for a puppy or a pregnant and gestating dog, malnutrition can lead to serious and irreversible health issues.

Supplement to mother’s milk
Our puppy milk is a food that serves as a replacement for mother’s milk or supplement to it, and is intended for the youngest puppies of all breeds up to 3 – 4 weeks of age. In addition, puppy mush is a food supplement for puppies aged 4 – 8 weeks and helps facilitate the transition to solid food.

As puppies grow, it is good to start giving them granules; these may be dipped in milk or some other broth in the beginning (caution: never serve hot food to a puppy). Generally, puppies learn to eat solid food by 6 – 7 weeks.

How much should we feed?
Puppies have relatively small stomachs and their daily rations are therefore usually divided into several portions, preferably 4 or 5. When the pup is 4-5 months old, you may start feeding him thrice in a day. Once the puppy reaches half the weight that he should have in adulthood, we recommend feeding to be twice a day. The age from which he’s advised to feed only once a day varies according to the size of the breed. Small breeds should start eating once one a day from around 9 months of age, medium breeds from 11 months and large and giant breeds from 15 – 16 months of age. Around this time, the dog also gradually starts eating adult dog food instead of puppy food.

Best nutrition for tiny paws
There is no bond deeper than the love of a mother for her child! But if that mother is depending on us for that nourishment, then we have to be more conscious about our choices for her diet. Never bring a pup home, if you aren’t prepared for it, because for the pup you become his tribe, FAMILY! Love is always expressed through care and for our tiny paws we bring in the best nutrition to keep them growing into strong adults.

(Mitu Paul is Brand Head of Dibaq Pet Care India.)