Health checklist for your K9


The love and companionship you get from your dog is unmatched and the best gift you can give him is good health. Here’s a checklist to keep your dog fit and fine :

  • REGULARLY examine your pet for any problem and check it before it becomes life threatening.
  • IF YOUR pet gives a doggy odour, it is a sign of low level of health. Act fast!
  • KEEP YOUR pet’s teeth clean and watch out for bad breath and tooth or gum problems.
  • REMOVE WAX from his ears as it can trap ticks, mites or other parasites inside his ears. If there is any bad odour, consult your vet.
  • IF THERE is any change in the colour of his eyes or any irritation, it may be the beginning of a serious health problem. Consult your vet immediately.
  • KEEP HIS coat clean and free from fleas and parasites. If you find any change in the colour of his skin, consult your vet immediately.
  • GIVE HIM a balanced diet, which will help him acquire immunity and accelerate his growth.
  • TAKE YOUR pet to your vet for regular check-up, as you know prevention is always better than cure.
  • KEEP THE weight of your pet under control as obesity leads to many diseases.
  • FOR A healthy body and a hilarious mind, exercise is very important for your pet. So, give him/her adequate amount of exercise.