Doggy News


Now, this is what we call luxury!
A hi-tech bungalow in Gloucestershire has 50 percent space as a deluxe living quarter for two danes with sheepskin-lined raised beds, a lounge, a Rs 11 lakh sound system, a 52 inch plasma screen TV, a temperature-controlled spa, cameras connected to internet…what more can you ask for?
The estimated cost of the luxurious Kennel is over Rs. 1.89 crore set up by a surgeon who wants to make her danes the most pampered pooches in the world.
We like to play fair game!
The researchers at the Friederike Range of the University of Vienna, Austria have concluded that dogs have a sense of fairness. For this, they experimented with different canines at the school’s Clever Dog Lab. They asked a dog to do a trick and then rewarded him. But when they asked another dog to do the trick, they did not reward him. The former did not do the trick again as he smelled foul play! The dogs were happy if everyone got a reward, irrespective of the kind of reward each got.
So if you have more than one canine at your home, you know you have to play a fair game!
Ilia- ASPCA Dog of the Year
Though ten-year-old Colie Massie of Los Angeles has to live with cerebral palsy, he has the support of Ilia a black Lab – Golden Retriever mix who helps the child in his daily chores and also inspires him. Ilia is not only an inseparable companion, but a friend who renders the necessary healing touch. These outstanding attributes of Ilia have made her the recipient of ‘American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Dog of the Year’ award. Ilia proved as a source of motivation for Cole who was reluctant to undergo a life-changing surgery.
Seven other extraordinary animals and people along with Ilia were honoured by ASPCA.
A noble cause!
People for Animals (PFA) has started offering rescued pups at Select City Walk mall in New Delhi every Wednesday. The pups are offered to people who can provide loving homes to these beautiful friends. And, all they need to do is to give a mandatory donation of Rs 250. What a noble cause indeed!
K9 gets right to use elevator
Shimu, a 35-kg Labrador, who suffered from joint pain was not allowed to use the lift in the New Sarvoday Co-operative Society in Mumbai, where he lived with his pet parents. Perturbed by this, his pet parent Ajay Marathe approached the Thane District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, which defended Shimu’s right to use the lift. Moreover, it directed the society to compensate his owner for harassment.
Dogs to receive pension too!
Slogging eight hours a day, sniffing out explosives and drugs, investigating a crime scene or providing security cover to visiting VIPS, man’s best friends has been serving humans with passion for long.
Realizing their plight, Tamil Nadu Government declared that man’s loyal companion, after being slowed down by age or declared medically unfit, should retire with dignity. According to the state government’s order, dogs who have completed eight to nine years of service are eligible for retirement and are sanctioned Rs 44 per day as feeding charges, Rs 200 for grooming and Rs 400 for vaccination annually.