Each act of kindness

She is a school teacher, she is an animal lover, she is a pet parent and she believes in each act of kindness! Here the mention is Annu Gujral who inculcates giving, caring, compassion in children for the welfare of stay dogs in Delhi. Catch a glance of her benevolent acts!

In her mission to shelter and feed stray dogs, Annu Gujral has been into charitable activities in which her students at RS Junior Modern School, Humayun Road, New Delhi involve wholeheartedly to uplift the lives of those underprivileged pooches. Annu said, “We call it ‘Pet Club’ under which students contribute a packet of rice, dahlia, newspapers or meager amount of money to deliver on 10th of every month to the welfare of strays through Friendicos SECA (Defence Colony) – a non-profit charity, which is an Associate Society of RSPCA and a Member Society of World Society For Protection of Animal, UK.” Geeta Seshamani, co-founder & vice-president, Friendicos SECA, New Delhi remarked that Annu’s effort is not just a matter of giving foods to the strays, she teaches school children and young generation the values of loving and caring animals.

Joy of giving…
Students of fifth standard take the responsibility to collect the donations from other classes at the school. “We select one captain amongst the Pet Club members from other classes and one from every section of the fifth standard – being the senior most class in the school. We can easily collect around 400 kg of newspapers, 150 kg of rice and dahlia every month,” said Annu. Pet Club started around 15 years back – it motivates children to donate and in return to support Friendicos SECA in their endeavour. The children also give a part of their pocket money to support the cause. Some children donate enthusiastically and bring in their pet’s items also. Annu mentioned that it has been the support of her school headmistress Mrs Manju Rajput which makes the mission a success. And if Annu is little strict in class, an adoring student always has her pet’s picture to show Annu and makes her smile.
Proud pet parents…
Annu with her mother Dr Vimla boast of a ‘family tree’ of pets. In the company of a group of adorable pooches are other pets like fishes and birds who contribute to form a perfect pet world. Ever since her younger years, Annu always had special affection for pets. “Around 40 years back, I collected my daily pocket money of 40 paise to purchase a white mouse worth Rs 8 as my pet,” remembered Annu. Today, those furry family members roaming around her include a couple of Chihuahuas named Zara (mother) and Pisti (daughter), a pug called Miffy, a Spaniel Cocker named Kiwi… to mention some of them.
Future vision…
“What it really upsets me is the unsafe lives of stray dogs in various localities around the city. Many of them die in hit and run road accidents. Sterilisation is also one big challenge. Here I have noticed that each act matters,” said Annu.

Fun filled memories…

Annu recalls her Irish Setter called Timber who once crept silently to gorge on a two-kg birthday cake. Worry over the incident was that it might have given him stomach upset! But Timber enjoyed the cake without any complication.
