Happy New Year


First things first, and the first item on my agenda is to wish every reader a Very Happy New Year.  May the days ahead abound in happiness and a sense of achievement.
To our readers, it goes without saying that you love dogs and are most likely to have one as a pet at home. In that case I guess the doggie will be in for some extra special care and attention as the New Year commences.
Unfortunately, we cannot but be totally aware of the horrible devastation caused by the tsunamis. Human life and property, animal life and ecology – all destroyed in heart-wrenching agony. There were many reported incidents that animals sensed the impending danger by detecting subtle shifts in the environment. While the human loss was catastrophic, animals that were free and unchained fled to safety. The National Geographic magazine reported that elephants were seen running away and bats flying. They also mentioned two pet dogs who refused to go for their daily runs on the beach that morning. Along India’s Cuddalore coast, where thousands of people perished, buffaloes, goats, and dogs were found unharmed. But the fact remains that thousands of animals have been rendered homeless. There are teams that have gone to rescue them but, like children, they will need lifelong care. Money is desperately needed, says Maneka Gandhi.

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Along with all the alarming tsunami reports, there is a story I must share with you: Nearly two years ago, King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, a well-known dog lover, stopped the killing of strays and proposed that they be trained to detect bombs and drugs. The monarch also inspired the idea of taking their help for the rescue efforts after the titanic wave engulfed coastal areas. As a result, the Thai army has deployed dogs to facilitate search in the devastated areas. I conclude with an appeal?:
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do.” (Edward Everett Hale) So contribute your share to help the homeless, starting 2005 on a positive note.
