Sparkling seven!


The number ‘seven’ has always been important: Seven Wonders of the World, seven continents, seven colours of the rainbow, seven days in a week and even seven basic musical notes. Throughout the ages, the number 7 has defied the law of averages and confounded mathematicians. For many, the number 7 is a symbol of luck and good fortune.
Dogs & Pups has recently completed 7 wonderful years of proud pooch parenting, helping readers to be responsible pet parents. In these 7 years, together with our readers, we have applauded the people and organisations who have diligently dedicated their life for the welfare of strays, we have cried together and raised our voice to the injustice meted out to our four-legged companions. Then, we have laughed together at the crazy antics of our pets and shared the treasure of love and care for our beloved canines. The journey has been good and your trust and faith have made it even better.
We salute to all pet parents for making life beautiful for their pets. And it’s time we all make this world a better place for our strays as well. Let’s protect them, feed them, vaccinate them, neuter them and most importantly, love them…’cause pedigree or stray – they are all lovable. We welcome our readers to share any interesting incident, experience or an anecdote about our pariahs. Let us all help people understand them better and give them a life they deserve.
“Monsoon is here and the pitter-patter of raindrops gives a big relief from the sweltering heat. But, with monsoon, comes the dreadful ticks and fleas…
so take good care of your tailwagger and keep him dry… drenched only in your love,” says Sparkle.
Happy reading!