Woof to the world!


Pooches always have a peculiar way of finding ways into our hearts and homes. Even the bigwigs and celebrities are bitten by pooch love. The newest addition to the celeb dogs is undoubtedly Bo, who joins the line of US presidential dogs. For those who are unaware of Bo, let’s remind you that we are talking about the US President Barack Obama’s newest family member–Bo. This lovely dog has found a place in the White House, Oval office and all the media channels. Woof to Bo for his new family!
But life is not all that rosy for all our canine friends. A reputed jeweler in Mumbai had four Great Danes and a German Shepherd to guard his jewellery store. But these pooches were ill-treated and two of the Great Danes were even left to die due to maggot wounds. A pathetic end for human’s best friends! Had it not been for an NGO, these dogs would have suffered a tragic end. It’s time that people who ill-treat their dogs get their share of punishment. Only then, people will stop ill-treating their canine friends.
We, at D&P, have always tried to create awareness about our canine friends. If we all come together and raise our voices against such ill-treatment, we can definitely make a difference!
This issue is packed with all the regular features but at the same time, we have also tried to give a fresh new look to the magazine. Do send us your feedback about the same. Also, do not forget to take a peek at our emagazine. So, anywhere you go, simply log on to www.dogsandpups.net/emagazine.htm and have your favourite magazine at a mouse-click. Sparkle is loving being techno-savvy and so are we….
