Wow! !


The  enthusiastic nationwide  response  to the inaugural issue of  ‘Dogs & Pups’ was overwhelming.  Owners, doctors, breeders et al, we  the  team can’t thank you enough for your encouragement and  support. We  take into  serious consideration your suggestions and strive to make the magazine one that you look forward to receiving bi-monthly. From  the  responses  received, it  is  very evident  that  each  one  of  us  is really  and  truly concerned  about the  well-being of our  canine friends. Our  four legged  friends  are an integral part  of  our  lives and  we   simply  adore  them, so  to  all  our  readers  big  and  small , do write  in  and  share  your  experiences  of  doggy  delights. One  often  wishes  there  were  doggy-friendly places where we  could take  our  pets to. Wouldn’t it be  great if  your dog could enjoy a vacation with you, where  both  of  you  could  just romp around,  what  a  feeling! I was lucky to have experienced one such trip with  my pet Sparkle in Shimla, completely  amazing!! In this  issue, we have  an article on ‘Holidaying with your dog’ on a Beach Camp  near Rishikesh. We hope that it will inspire you to cherish some wonderful moments together.
Sparkle woofs a big ‘Hi’ to all. We hope that you enjoy reading this issue. “He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.” – Anonymous

Shweta Khurana