Cheers to Incredible Intelligence of Our Feline Friends


Joan Henderson
Cats are highly intelligent furry fellows with an acute awareness of the world they exist in. They can work out answers to problems, apply them, and then adapt solutions to different situations.
Cats uses their learning abilities and memory for useful ‘operations’ generally for their own gain, such as – opening the door by jumping for the latch, summoning pet parents by imperiously rattling objects, tapping on doors or launching themselves at a door knocker or bell, drinking water from a running tap, scooping milk from a jug or dry food from a packet with their paws, finding their way home, and responding to their name.
Learning each other
Feline hunting actions are not instinctive; they learn from other cats. So, kittens born to non-hunting mothers, or lack litter-mates, don’t learn to hunt. Other habits, such as using a litter tray, may also be learned from the mother’s example.
No work for work’s sake
Cats can be trained to perform tricks, but unlike dogs, they don’t take kindly to coercion by punishment or reward, only co-operating if they want to. Cats don’t subscribe to the work ethic. They will toil to attain an end (for example, to acquire food) but they won’t work for work’s sake in the manner of a hamster on a treadmill.
Accept it gracefully
When your cat carries a dead mouse, rabbit or bird proudly back home and presents it to you, it is doing what any hunter would do – bringing a token of success in the field to someone it regards as family. Wild cats will do this as a social gesture, but when your domestic cat brings you such a prized gift you should accept it as a special reward from a cat who really cares for her pet parent. If your cat does arrive home with a present of a dead mouse, accept it gratefully. Make sure to dispose of the gift promptly and discreetly as wild prey can lead to disease, germs, and infection.
Always keep them indoors
Always remember that your pet shouldn’t be left unsupervised to roam outdoors. It can be so dangerous for them; they can get into a fight with another cat or get run over by a vehicle. Keep them safe and happy indoors!  As you spend more and more time with your pet, you’ll appreciate their intelligence and the small nuances they do in everyday life that makes life so interesting and amusing.
(Joan Henderson is a Retired International Judge from Melbourne, Australia)