

These are a few of my favorite things……..


  • I am sparkle a  3 year old great guy(spaniel)… I love my Mom and Dad and ensure that they dance to my tunes –  I certainly have trained them well.
  • I love my morning walks specially the times when I meet my friends sasha(lab) & pixie ( pom).
  • I make it a point to keep people around me busy and insist that all my needs are met- specially my walks- for me every moment is a walk moment I enjoy the outdoors. If people around me are busy- I just don’t take no for an answer- I am very vocal about my needs- I go to my dad- throw a tantrum and ensure that he understands.
  • What I really love is our holidays together- the best thing I learnt was swimming at a stream in Jim Corbett- we were playing a game of fetch when I discovered this inborn talent and boy I loved the experience- I would just dive in the water, swim, fetch the stone, enjoy my self and best part is everybody else loved watching me too-so I simply put my best paw forward and had a splash……
  • I also have a fetish for stones of all shapes and sizes- inspite of all my toys- I just adore them and every walk time make it a point to pick a precious one and  get it home.
  • I love the word “Lets go”- I guess it gets out the gypsy spirit in me as I love to roam.
  • I love a good romp too- nothing like running  in an open area, that’s the reason I love my holidays in the hills as I can run to my hearts content.
  • Hey I don’t want to miss out my squeaky toys.
  • And I definitely love people and parties as I can smuggle in a scrumptious snack or two. My mom keeps an eagle eye on me but  to tell you the truth the soulful looks to guests always work…..
  • Last but not the  least my bed with my spider man pillow is the best to cuddle in specially in winters……



By Sparkle & Shweta