Love is all around – adopt it!


Love is a loving heart, a wagging tail, a wet nose, heart melting eyes, somebody who greets you with a jump and a spring! Each one of us who has ever loved a Dog knows the meaning of unconditional love. Love is specially best when it comes to you – unannounced – this specially happens when I meet ‘STARRY’- my favourite brown and white very handsome pariah. My heart sure does smile looking at his big brown eyes! Like a cat- he goes all around me… I sure do bask in the attention I get!


Then there is ‘CRANKY’ as the name suggests – he is vocal in a whining manner for whatever he wants! Some mornings when Sparkle and I go for a walk- we are escorted by Starry and Cranky- both really like Sparkle and the chemistry between the trio is quite a sight. On one such morning, Sparkle decided to have an adventure and ran off behind his lady love – little did he realise there were other Dogs. Behind Sparkle was – I and Starry- you don’t need to guess but Starry was definitely faster and chivalrously managed to ward off the other dogs away from Sparkle – meanwhile I in my full sprinting motion also managed to catch up. We sure did stir up quite a commotion, Sparkle was not happy that his rendezvous came to an abrupt end. Starry bravely saved Sparkle from getting bitten or attacked by other dogs!


On many other occasions I have noticed how are stray angels actually take it upon themselves to guard their respective colonies from unwanted elements – they just can sense when things are not right and do alert the night watchman with their barks!


It is indeed very heartwarming to see a lot of people – who have started working for this cause in providing homes and care for our Stray Friends. People from all walks of life are spreading compassion and kindness to make their lives better by either finding them a home, spreading more awareness through celebrity participation – providing food, water even medical care in situations. These angels are sturdy survivors – giving love manifolds.


It becomes important to give them right care by sterilisation – it is very sad to watch stray pup litters getting killed and hurt by accidents and other things. Pet parents have realised that strays also form excellent pets and more and more people are adopting them as family members. Lovable and loving – they are better attuned to the environment, they have fewer health issues and are sturdy. With proper training and socialisation, they are the best pals one can have. As Mother Teresa rightly said, “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love”- so definitely – do greet our guarding angels with a smile and give them space in your Heart & Home!


Sparkle says – Hope you enjoy this issue – he surely has worked very hard for it! Pamper your pets with your TIME and take proper care of their needs! Do make EVERYDAY – a “Happy Day !”


Happy pampering! Happy Times! & Happy  Year ahead…
