Sequent Scientific forays..
Sequent Scientific forays into animal health care segment, appoints core management team
Sequent Scientific, an integrated pharmaceutical company with global footprint and proven expertise in pharmaceutical/life sciences, has announced its foray into high-growth animal health care segment in India. In the past five years, the company has established a strong position in the global markets in niche segments of pharmaceutical sector. Today, the company is the leading producer of active pharmaceutical ingredient for ‘human & animal health’ and the world’s largest producer of Anthelmintic. KR Ravishankar, Chairman & Managing Director, Sequent Scientific announced the appointment of a core management team in veterinary formulation business comprising Abir Mukherjee as Chief Executive Officer-Veterinary Formulations; Lalitha Prakash, Vice President-Exports; DK Singh, General Manager-Sales; Dr Jayanta Bhattacharya-Marketing Manager and CK Dhawan, Sales Manager-North.
KR Ravishankar mentioned that the company will launch products in three areas namely cattle, poultry and companion animals.
Abir Mukherjee confirmed that disease prevention and animal health care through introduction of innovative products like Nutraceuticals will be the key marketing strategy. “Establishing well-balanced portfolio of innovative products/solution as per market needs and launching of imported value added products of European origin in the dairy, poultry and companion animal market will be the cornerstone for our marketing strategy to maintain growth path,” said Dr Jayanta Bhattacharya.
D K Singh informed that company has quickly set in motion training and skill development programme for the sales team in Animal Health Care.