Friend for life
“A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, big or small, young or old. He doesn’t care ifby, Shweta Khurana you’re not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the best-looking person. To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born. You are his friend and protector.”
– Louis Sabin
We all know how true it is…we are the world for our pooches…we are their life…their love…and so are they. Life becomes beautiful when we share our life with a furry friend…they listen when we talk…they wag their tails when we are happy…they are sad when we are sad…and most importantly, they are happy when they see us…day in and day out.
For all these little but wonderful things they do for us…they ask for nothing more than our love and concern. Their life depends on us – we provide them food, shelter and care. Like children, we need to nurture them for their life. Any neglect on our end may become critical for our pooch.
A young reader of Dogs & Pups, Kanupriya Agarwal, has beautifully summed up what it means to have a dog:
“Enough time for his healthy upbringing
Enough space for him to move around in the house
Enough people in the household to look after him
Enough money for his wholesome rearing
Enough energy to keep up with his demands
Enough patience to deal with his pranks
Enough compassion to look after him when he is sick
Enough perseverance to train him properly.”
Yes… that’s what makes a responsible pet parent! And we are proud that our younger generation is compassionate enough to feel so much for their pets. It is a scientifically proven fact that children who grow up with pets are more compassionate towards living beings. If you have a child at home, gift him a friend for life – a pooch. Just make sure your pooch is well-cared for and is suited to your home and family.
We with Sparkle wish you a great festive season ahead and a very Happy New Year!
Happy pet parenting!