Alone Again


I wish someone would tell me what it is
That I’ve done wrong.

Why I have to stay chained up and
Left alone so long.

They seemed so glad to have me when
I came here as a pup.

There were so many things we’d do
While I was growing up.

They couldn’t wait to train me as a
Companion and a friend.

And told me how they’d never fear
Being left alone again.

The children said they’d feed me and
Brush me every day.

They’d play with me and walk me
If I could only stay.

But now the family “Hasn’t Time”;
They often say I shed.

They do not want me in the house
Not even to be fed.

The children never walk me.
They always say, “NOT NOW!”

I wish that I could please them.
Won’t someone tell me how?

All I had, you see, was love.
I wish they would explain

Why they said they wanted me,
Then left me on a chain?

– Author unknown