Magical Nine!
Dogs make our life beautiful! The moment you open your heart to them…there is no looking back. You get completely smitten by the melting eyes, the wagging tail, the happy gait, the demanding bark…. The joy you experience in simple things is beyond comparison. Each antic is a story to tell; each achievement a feather in your cap.
All the jumping, tearing, chewing partially leave you exasperated and partially in awe of the little monster who you have let in. You try to calm them, soothe them, keep them busy and most of all happy. And in reality what is most important is your time and the things you do together. At each moment of the day, we all are Responsible Pet Parents.
Responsible Pet Parenting is the core of Dogs & Pups and this is how we started with an idea 10 years back- and it’s a wonderful feeling that with our 9th Anniversary Issue, we share the same love, feeling and sentiments…but we are not alone…there are so many pooch lovers across the country who share the same passion and compassion, which have helped us in our endeavour to spread pooch love across.
A recent survey in Vienna reaffirms this and says that the bond between dogs and their pet parents is highly similar to the deep connection between young kids and their parents and we all would definitely nod in agreement. We have never differentiated between our kids and pets – in fact our children grow up, but our pets continue to be the little one for us throughout our lives.
To celebrate our 9th Anniversary, we have few very different and interesting stories in our Pandora’s Box. The feature on La Grande Odyssée Savoie Mont Blanc talks about the strength and endurance of our pooches and most of all the bonds between the musher and canines. You can also read about the various dog sports- and ensure you engage your tailwagger in sports activities. Tiny Paws – a special feature on puppies would be liked by all pet parents who have either brought home a pup or are planning to bring one. This special feature will help you to keep your canine friend happy and keep boredom at bay, besides teaching them right behaviour.
The canine-human bond is everlasting… and centuries old… every second you spend with them is an investment of many magical memories. And with these thoughts in mind, we go another year older or shall we say experienced in the world of pooches!
“Happy Magical Nine,” Sparkle wishes to all!