It’s never a goodbye!
What’s good in a goodbye I wonder? How do you say goodbye to someone so dear?
Sparkle came into our lives when he was just 1.5 months old, the little heartbeat became our heartthrob from the very first moment. With Sparkle we came to know love in its most true form. With his antics and affection, he filled our hearts with a million joys. From the shoes he snuggled his nose into, to the furniture he shredded, the bed he sheared, the rivers he jumped into, the people he adored, the dogs he tried to scare, the food thief he became to be – Sparkle had us – on his beck and call like his slaves!
So, Sparkle was never at home too…Sparkle worked daily. He would love the office and for some reason, if he could not come to work, the sadness would reflect on his gorgeous face. A bully at work, his prime object used to be boss around people to take him for his walk or give him the food he wants. He believed in demanding and getting what he wanted. Not only that, Sparkle had great intelligence and some rather conniving methodologies to get his work done…he would simply bark his way through. His victory gait, when mission accomplished, was wonderful to watch. With happiness his fur would fluff up and am sure he would be smirking his way through.
When his work was over, he was in happy siesta, dreaming of his next plan of how to get his way.
Sparkle was happiest to jump in the car – the way he would seat himself was like Royalty. My father used to lovingly call him – “Sparkle the office going dog!” While in the car, Sparkle got a lot of attention. Sparkle got adoring and astonished look by onlookers.
The inspiration behind our magazine and our chief editor, he helped each one of us here to think from his point of view and ensured that right knowledge reach our pet parents so that they can take right care of their tailwaggers.
Sparkle sparkled with us for 13 and half years, till a terminal cancer caught him. Inspite of that his zest for life, especially food, was brilliant. On 19th April 2017, with a heavy and a hollow heart we had to let go Sparkle. It was one of our most difficult moments, which we knew we had to do. With the evening sun resting, we knew it would be the final day of rest for our darling Sparkle too.
It’s never a ‘goodbye’ because Sparkle is sparkling in our hearts forever. From the first cup of morning tea, which I had with Sparkle by my side, to the time when we tucked him to sleep, our days with Sparkle have been so valuable. And our days revolved around Sparkle’s schedule.
So, hold your lil’ one close, cherish every memory, hug them more, spoil them more, make their little hearts happy – for what they give you is so much love, and what they finally take away is so much love.
And when you go, you go with a part of me,
That part of me goes wherever you go!
Forever Sparkle struck!
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