Say no! to watch dog YES to family?


There are two types of pet parents – one who considers their pets as family and provides a special place for them at home and heart. The other, who consider their pets as nothing but creatures to guard their homes. –by Bhavani Sundaram

Many of us have seen the sight of a tied up dog at the gate, at the entrance, or lying listlessly in the backyard with a sad look. Often these babies face the brunt of extreme weather without easy access to food or water bowls. When asked why you keep your dog tied, the answer we get is “They are a nuisance, dirty the place, come in our way, and are meant to be watch dogs. Hence should be tied outside the house to guard the house’. No amount of my reasoning can change their attitude. Why do these people keep a pet if they have to treat them like an unwanted piece of furniture?
Pitiable Conditions
The sad but true fact is that today man’s best friend is left to spend their entire lives in solitary confinement, trapped at the end of a chain. In some cases no fixed time for food, forget about fresh clean drinking water, and play time, grooming, love and affection. Imagine a life like that! Like humans, dogs are also social animals and constantly crave for contact, love & affection. A little play session in the garden with their fellow furry friends, a long walk enjoying the warm winter sun and sniffing around, or getting groomed and pampered is what these lovelies deserve.
Say NO to chains
A chained dog’s life is a lonely and nobody wants this miserable existence. Dogs should never spend their lives in chains; they are companion animals and need to be a part and member of the family. People who want or are thinking of keeping a pet should be ready to include them in their homes and most importantly in their hearts, they are a responsibility which you cannot afford to shun and ignore.
Give them love and respect and you’ll be surprised to see how they reciprocate with love and affection.
Some common problems faced by chained pets

  •  They tend to become frustrated and aggressive.
  •  They face the risk of strangulation and many a times they are found lying dead with their chains entangled around their necks and bodies.
  •  Chains can get entangled in their limbs causing loss of blood circulation; they can also suffer from neck wounds, skin problems, rashes.

Get them only if you and your family is willing to shower them with unparalleled care and are ready for all their responsibility. All they ask for is little love and affection, a pat, some belly rubs, and to curl up at your feet at night and sleep in the warmth of the house.