Fabulous five!
It’s celebration time again…as we celebrate our 5th anniversary, the only thing which comes to our mind is – “Forever Yours”.
Since time immemorial, our dogs have always stood by us, irrespective of who we are, what we do, where we live, etc. They just understand one simple language of love and they love us wholeheartedly. Every issue of Dogs & Pups is dedicated to this beautiful bond – this issue is special and is packed with a lot of activities to make your dog happy. We need to get the fun and the zing back in their lives, mentally stimulate them, give them things to do, play with them and most of all spend quality time with them. Let’s get our acts together, take time out from our busy schedules and make their little hearts happy.
Little activities everyday make this bond beautiful, so make the most of every minute you have with them.
Love when expressed multiplies–A big thank you to all our readers for making this journey so very special. It is truly amazing to get all the pictures, incidents and stories of your beloved canines. What is most awesome is that we have so many angels who are also taking care of our dear dogs on the streets – people of all strata have come together in the noble cause of finding a home for our beloved stray dogs.
Sparkle wishes all your furry angels a happy healthy life and hopes that you keep emailing us your comments, feedback, suggestions, issues of concern, etc. We look forward to your revert and also don’t forget to check our e-magazine.
Together, we definitely can make a difference and be there for our darling dogs forever… just like they are for us!