New Year, New You! 21 Resolutions inspired by your pets to make 2021 more fun and meaningful!
Kritika Manchanda
It’s that time of the year when we all make resolutions and try hard to bring about a positive change in our life. Here are 21 resolutions inspired by your pets that you should be taking up this year. –by Kritika Manchanda
Happy to have my contribution in the 100th Issue to make it more enjoyable for you! Not saying that I have implemented them all, but every day is a new beginning and fresh start.
1. Learn the art of letting go
We all need to learn the art of letting go from our beloved canine companions. Whether it is letting go of bad memories or grudges, there is so much that we can get rid off and detox our mind.
2. Living in the present
It’s amazing to see how our pets live in the moment – enjoying that belly rub, making the most of their treat, or cuddling up next to you. They don’t worry about the future, and we should totally get inspired by them. Yes, it is easier said than done! But at least we can take small steps in that direction in 2021.
3. Sleep it over
When nothing works, just sleep it over – that’s what Romeo taught me and I am more than happy to apply it in my life. The way our pets bundle up in their cozy bed with their favorite toy and when they get up everything seems a lot better, we should do the same. And trust me, it works wonderfully.
4. Being more patient
If there is one virtue that most of need to cultivate and adopt from our pets, it is patience. Remember how patiently he waits outside the kitchen for his food or for his treat. Our furry friends know the value of patience and so should we!
5.The joy of small things
There is no such thing as #joyofsmallthings! How wonderfully our pets enjoy every small thing in life – the joy of car rides, warm cuddles on cold mornings, or a fulfilling meal. We also need to learn from our pets and not take these things for granted. Do it for yourself or maybe do it for ‘GRAM’.
6. Health is wealth
2020 certainly gave us a major lesson – health is wealth. Continuing with the trend take the good practices in 2021 as well! Take care of your health as well as your pet’s health. Make healthy lifestyle choices – carrot crunchies and salads over burgers, cucumber over fries, it can be done, you just need to take that first step.
7. More fun, less concern
We are so concerned about so many things in life – work deadlines, managing finances, handling relationships, etc. But this year the resolution should be – more fun and less concern. Take cues from your pet, how they know who to love and how to love and their major concern is why you haven’t hugged them since morning.
8. Furry-furry less worry
Try and worry less in 2021, at least about things that aren’t in your control. Why give your mind that unnecessary burden of over-thinking when you can spend that time enjoying with your pet? Think about it! Actually don’t just think about it, implement it in your life and witness positive changes.
9. Shed those extra kilos
One of the most hyped New Year Resolutions, but this time give it a twist of body positivity. shed those extra kilos to look good and feel healthy. Go for a run in the morning with your pet, do that yoga session at home, enjoy a bhangra workout, or have fun cycling – the idea is to increase your activity level and if possible involve your canine companion as well.
10. Healthy eating is not boring
I know gravitating towards munchies is a lot tempting than choosing fruit as your mid-meal snack. But the food choices you make reflect in your pet’s life as well. So why not enjoy healthy eating. Whip up easy recipes full of delicious ingredients not just for yourself, but for your pets as well. Go dairy free or gluten free if needed!
11. Make time for play dates
Ask your pet how pivotal play dates are! This year you should also take them seriously. Take time out to reconnect with old friends, foster meaningful friendships and relationships where people encourage and respect you, and find your tribe (all the more fun if that tribe brings their pets along for a fun filled furry play date session).
12. Learning something new
Dogs teach us that learning something new doesn’t have to be restricted with age. They are always up for learning new tricks and so should we. It might take a little more time, but keeping yourself determined (with some help from treats and rewards) is the way to go!
13. Self care is the best care
If there is one thing that we have learnt during this pandemic is that self care is the best care. This New Year, take extra care of yourself, pamper yourself and your pet for not just your physical wellbeing, but your mental wellbeing as well. So go on book that spa session for yourself and your pet!
14. Get rid of the clutter – Mary Kondo way
Get rid of the clutter and junk and keep only memories. A cluttered home can slow your productivity and you certainly don’t want that. Taking tips from our pets, how they have limited toys and are still happy and content we should also try and adopt that thinking (slowly but surely).
15. Drink more water
Hydrate because you’re no more than a house plant with complex feeling. Just like your pet is always ready to sip from his water bowl, you should do the same. More water, less drama – that’s what I am rooting for in 2021.
16. Just take it slow
I am such a pro for slow living (my Instagram feed will corroborate this fact) and so should you be. You’ll miss out on something or the other, just don’t let it get to your head. Turn FOMO (fear of missing out) into JOMO (joy of missing out). You pet will surely help you with it.
17. Go for that check up
Whether it is a vet visit or a doctor visit, the scare is real. In 2021 pledge to go to the doctor to get a complete body check-up, and don’t forget to take your pet to the vet for his annual check-up. Health should be a priority this year!
18. Forgive and forget
Cannot stress on the importance of this! Whenever mom used to scold Romeo, he used to sulk for a while but then it was all ok after some time. The same should be with us! Forget and forgive, not for the person in front but for your own satisfaction.
19. Love unconditionally
What can I say that’s not already said about dogs and their unmatched love! There are no conditions in love and time and again our beloved pets have proven it. You just need to take the cues and imbibe the learning in your life….
20. Faithful friendships are everything
Sometimes the circle decreases in size, but increases in value. In 2021 start respecting differences and value true friendships, just like your pet does. Let go of toxic friends and negative people who pretend to be friends – it will be difficult, but so worth it for your mental stability and peace.
21. Belly rub or Back rub – Always say a yes!
Tell us a more relaxing thing than belly rub/ back rub – I am waiting! After a productive day at work, nothing like coming back home, cuddling your pet, and getting a soothing back rub from your loving partner. Learn the importance of belly rubs from our pets. Go ahead and shamelessly keep demanding back rubs to strengthen love and affection!
Here’s hoping you’ll make these resolutions a part of your life and make 2021 a lot more meaningful.