Smarten him!


Have you ever seen your pet getting extremely happy when you take him out for a training session? Well, some pets do….
Proper training, nutrition and exercise are essential but there is no escaping the necessity of regular grooming. While it’s important to make sure your dog is clean and looks good on special occasions, grooming shouldn’t be saved just for those special occasions.
Regular grooming – a must
Dogs need to be groomed regularly which includes a daily brush, monthly bath and the regular care of their nails, ears and under paws. Thus, regular grooming is an absolute essential for the health and hygiene of your dog. With regular grooming you will have a cat or dog who has a healthy skin and coat, clean teeth and ears and since it is inspected closely, will be relatively disease free.
The wonders of brushing
Daily brushing results in a clean coat and aids in the removal of dirt and grime. More importantly, it helps remove dead hair that can get entangled in the coat, leading to matting and skin infections. It is also important to understand that each breed coat requires a different sort of brushing and grooming equipment- while thin combs suit long coated breeds like Shih Tzu’s and slicker brushes are used for dogs with curly coats. Do consult your neighbourhood groomer to suggest a suitable brush that will be appropriate for your dog.
Bathing – a fun!
Make your grooming session’s fun, so that it becomes a bonding ritual between both of you, something your pet really looks forward too!
While the regularity of bathing depends on the breed, lifestyle and coat of your dog, ensure that it is done and not ignored completely. Bathing at right intervals helps control shedding and makes your dog feel fresh and happy. An important tip is to ensure that all the shampoo has been removed as it can result in chemical burn if left behind. Also, dry him well with a blow dryer or a soft towel. Only use a dog shampoo for your dog.
Grooming – not just a bath and blow dry
It includes the care and cleanliness of many other parts of its body, including the genital area, which is important for the hygiene of the house. Regular trimming of the hair under the paw prevents the dog from picking up ticks and fleas when he goes for walks. Moisturizing his paws helps protect them further from cracks and injury.
For that million dollar smile!
It is highly imperative to make sure your dog’s pearly whites are cleaned every alternate day, if not daily, to ensure that gum disease and tooth decay are kept away. What you can do is just brush your dog’s teeth with a finger every day to make sure any food particles are removed.
Care for the ears
As for the ears, you could use regular cotton buds but only clean the part that you can see, do not put the bud in areas that are not visible to you.

For the well-manicured look

While walking on the ground, ensure that they are filed to a certain extent, nails need to be clipped to keep them in a good condition. I highly recommend getting them clipped by either a vet or a groomer as it is very easy to injure your dog while cutting their nails. It is best left to be done by a professional.
Savor the professional services
A professionally trained groomer will make sure your dog has been cleaned and groomed to the highest standards and will also be able to let you know of any undetected skin conditions. So, even if it’s something you would like to do once a month, do it! Always remember- a clean dog is always a happy healthy one!
(Aanchal Malhi did her professional pet grooming course from Dogcare Academy in Singapore and is a member of the ISCC (International Society of Canine Cosmetologists). Her grooming parlour and pet boutique is called It’s A Dog’s Life! in Mumbai.)