Dashing & Dapper— Dobermans at Their Best!
A lot of people get intrigued by Dobermans and often they come out to be ferocious and aggressive. But on the contrary, they are loving beings and protectors who become great companions. Know more about this amazing breed.
Let’s start with the history of Doberman Pincher. Experts sometimes dispute the history of the Doberman breed. However, it’s generally thought that Dobermans were first bred in the 1880s by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in Apolda, Thuringia, Germany, a tax collector who ran the Apolda dog pound. With access to dogs of many breeds, he got the idea to create a breed who would be ideal for protecting him. The breed started becoming popular as guard dogs during the World War-II.
by a number of factors including heredity, training, and socialisation. Puppies with nice gentle temperaments are curious and playful, willing to approach people and be held by them. Meeting the dog’s parents, siblings, or other relatives may also prove helpful for evaluating what a puppy will be like when they grow up.
Like every dog, the Doberman needs early socialization—exposure to too many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences- -when they’re young. Socialisation helps ensure that your Doberman puppy grows up to be a well-rounded pet. In my vast experience depends on the amount of exercise you are giving to the pet. I trim my Doberman’s nails once in a couple months while keeping a regular check on their ears and paws to avoid redness, rashes and any sort of infections.
Beauty comes in all sizes
The ideal size of male Doberman is 27 to 28 inch and that of female is 25 to 27 inch. The Doberman has a square frame, his length should equal his height to the withers, and the length of its head, neck, and legs should be in proportion to his body.
Debonair Doberman–yes please!
The ideal weight of male dogs is 40–45 kilograms and that of females is said to be 32–35 kilograms. The Doberman has a long muzzle. He stands on his pads and is not usually heavy-footed. Ideally, they have an even and graceful gait. Traditionally, the ears are cropped and posted and the tail is docked.
However, in some countries, these procedures are now illegal. I stand by the norms, since the breed is equally lovable without human alterations. Dobermans have markings on the chest, paws/legs, muzzle, above the eyes and underneath the tail.
A bundle of energy and love
A super intelligent and a super active dog—that’s what you should be prepared for when you get a Doberman Pinscher home. You also get an extremely loyal, trustworthy pet who’ll be playful and fun-loving with your family. They’re natural protectors who won’t hesitate to act when they think their family is under threat. At the same time, I’ve realised that they’re not aggressive without reason.
Switch on the socialisation tab
A Doberman’s temperament is affected of with dogs, I have found that when we put in efforts towards early socialisation, we get to reap benefits throughout the pet’s life.
Good grooming goes a long way
Dobermans have a sleek coat that requires minimal grooming. They’re a clean dog, with minimal doggy odour, thankfully so. However, the short coat does shed. So, they require regular grooming to clean after playing in gardens or mud playground. Bathing them twice a month is ideal to avoid skin issues.
Trimming nails is needed once in a month or mental stimulation than the average dog, and walking is a great activity for them. Not only walking is good for your pet’s fitness, it will also keep you fit and active. If your pet experiences separation anxiety or nervousness, then also walking is a great exercise for them.
I personally allow my pets a leash-free run in my gardens and also plan various exercises for them to keep their physical and mental health in check. My routine with my pets includes giving them 2km trotting on my scooter, swimming on alternate days for 15 minutes, leash-free run and fetching with a ball, jumps on hurdles, and 30 minutes of show practice, making them habituated to stack and trot for dog shows.
Good food is good mood
Doberman Pinschers require high-quality food that is easily digestible and palatable. The first appropriate ingredient listed could be a meat source, such as chicken, beef, or lamb. To avoid health concerns, the food should be nutritionally balanced. Purchase high-quality dog food and look for diets appropriate for your pet’s age. To maintain our Doberman’s shiny coat, muscle-build, and healthy structure, I prefer giving my pets a pet food that’s balanced with essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
(Pujan Patel is a member of Ahmedabad Canine Club which is associated with Indian National Kennel Club)