Love Thy DESI

Strays need not be abandoned! All we have to do is understand their superpowers of being so loving and robust! Enactus at Moti Lal Nehru College (MLNC) in Delhi University is doing an excellent job of creating awareness about strays and giving them forever homes. Find out more about their Project DESI.


The founding principal of Enactus MLNC has always been into animal welfare. We believe that it is our responsibility to look a f ter t he overa l l aspec ts of animals’ wellbeing that includes feeding, sheltering, disease prevention , and treatment, etc.

Inception of Project DESI

In 2014, Enactus MLNC started Project DESI for animal welfare. DESI stands for Duty to Empathize, Sterilize and I m mu n ize t he stray dogs of Delhi. India has a huge population of stray dogs. It is home to more than 30 million strays, and they are often s e e n b e i n g m i s t r e a t e d by people in public places. Through Project DESI, we intend to curb issues like overpopulation of stray dogs, rabies, aggressiveness in dogs and lots more.

Responsibility strengthens bonds of love

Till now, we have got more than 1200 dogs sterilised and immunized successfully by conducting regular drives in various areas of Delhi. Project DESI also works majorly towards the education and awareness of people regarding human-animal welfare.

We believe that knowledge and awareness are the two keys that can bring a change. We have effectively educated and made more than 120,000 people aware of serious issues like rabies, dog bites and many other aspects of human-animal welfare. Our initiative, The DESI Club, has gotten more than hundred homeless Indie dogs adopted and over forty animals rescued.

Looking at the bright side!

Our main aim is to create a safe environment for stray animals by awakening a sense of responsibility and sensitivity amongst the people for these animals. Project DESI has worked conscientiously towards the betterment of the humananimal relation. We want to reach out and help even more voiceless creatures and for that we encourage everyone to come forward and help with our noble cause by doing as little as feeding one dog.

(Himmish Leekha is member of Enactus, Motilal Nehru College (MLNC), University of Delhi, New Delhi)