Mastering Cat Behaviours –
18 Signs You Need to Know!
Cats might be moody, if you are inexperienced with cats, you might wonder what goes on inside their head when they behave a certain way.
Cats are expressive creatures who always communicate how they feel.It is easy to learn how to speak the language of cats. With a little effort, you’ll master this art! Here are a few common cat behavior interpretations that will help you understand why they do what they do….
- Lick themselves to clean: Cats love licking themselves from head-totoe multiple times a day. They are more hygienic than other animals, and cleaning dirt from their fur is a way to prevent predators from getting attracted to their scent.
- Building trust, one sniff at a time: Cat’s strong sense of smell gives them a lot of information about general surroundings, availability of food and prey, etc. By sniffing your face, your cat is simply trying to memorize your scent. Doing so helps build trust and familiarity with you.
- Slow blinks – the links of love: When your cat blinks at you in slow motion, she is communicating that she is comfortable in your presence and enjoys having you around. Return the friendly gesture by slowly blinking back at her.
- Chatter box: Chattering and chirping usually happens when cats are outside the house and are watching birds. It is their way of trying to imitate birds. Seeing birds excites them, and chattering is their attempt at trying to speak bird language.
- Cheeky rubs: It is uncommon for cats to rub their cheeks on everyone. They reserve this territorial behavior for the people they adore. If your cat rubs her cheeks on you, she’s letting you know she loves you.
Head butting – a sign of happiness: Cats do not hold back when displaying affection. Head butting is an aggressive form of face rubbing and is saved only for those for whom they feel an extreme affinity. It is a friendly and loving gesture that shows how excited she is about spending time with you. It shows that your cat is in the mood to be social and is seeking your attention.
- Hello to hide n seek: As loving as they are, cats are creatures of solitude and love taking a break from the humans around them. Hiding in places like a cardboard box or under the cupboard makes them feel comfortable and protected. It is their way of shutting out everyone around them, chilling, and having the much needed ‘me time’
- Dreadful dead gifts: Cats are known to be exceptionally skilled at hunting. While domesticated cats do not need to hunt to feed themselves, their instinct to do so is still strong.
When your cat hunts and brings dead prey back to you, she is trying to ensure you don’t starve. It is her way of teaching you how to hunt so that you always have enough to eat. - Siesta time all day: Cats can sleep for long hours at a stretch, sometimes up to 16 hours a day. Cats are creatures of the night and rest during the day. You have ample time to finish your daily chores so that you can spoil her with attention when she is awake.
- Love that’s ‘purr’fect: Purring is a sign of contentment. Cats also purr to soothe themselves when scared, injured, or in discomfort. Purring releases endorphins that can reduce pain. The vibrations also help cats with the healing of wounds.
- Trying to smell well with her mouth wide open: When you happen to catch your cat curling her lips and staring at something intently with her mouth wide open, don’t worry, she is not scared or in shock. All she is trying to do is smell better. It is also known as the Flehmen response.
- Stress = urine spraying: When stressed, cats tend to stand upright, back up against a surface, and spray urine all over it. It is a cat’s way of marking her territory. Spraying urine helps her surround the area with her scent and feel safe in an unfamiliar environment.
- Not a water baby: There seems to be something about water that cats do not like. It doesn’t make sense, given that they like staying clean. However, their hatred for bathtime is because the fur on their body, once wet, takes a long time to dry.
Being cleanliness freaks, they do not like the idea of water dripping from their body. - Knead on & stay calm: Otherwise known as ‘making biscuits, it is when the cat starts pushing her paws up and down a surface, especially a soft one as if it is kneading something.
Kneading is an instinctual behavior that cats develop when they are kittens and have to knead their mother to stimulate milk production. The habit is comforting and calming for cats of any age. Cats release their hormones through their paws, so kneading could also be a way to mark their territory. - Sprinters by choice: Do you find your cat resting peacefully one moment and making a sprint the very next moment? Sudden sprints indicate that your cat has a lot of pent-up energy that it needs to release from its system. If your cat sprints now and then randomly, you need to ensure that she gets enough physical exercise and activity.
- Biting to unleash her fury: Cats aren’t exactly animals who bite, but if provoked they will unleash their fury. Cats resort to biting as a protection tactic when they are uncomfortable or angered by something. They can also bite when they feel they aren’t getting enough attention.
- Masters of perfect landing: Have you ever wondered how cats can fall from any height and still land on their feet? The truth behind this secret superpower is that cats have lightweight bodies and quick reflexes, both of which allow them to orient their flexible bodies in a way that balances their equilibrium and helps them land successfully. Because of their lightweight body, they can adjust themselves in a manner that allows them to land on their feet perfectly every time!
- The ‘belly up’ position: A cat is at her most vulnerable state when lying with an upturned belly and legs spread out. This position indicates that your cat is comfortable, relaxed, and trusting. It is her way of saying that she feels safe around you.