10 cool grooming tips for hot summer days!

A responsible and caring pet parent is careful about his pet’s well-being during hot weather. We give them shade, water, cool place to snooze and exercise during cooler parts of the day. However, one crucial aspect of pet care that is often overlooked is grooming, which can greatly help your pet beat the summer heat. Let’s see how.

–by Varsha Verma


Come summers and my pet pooch Rocky looks for the coolest room in the house. He refuses to drink water if it is not cold, nudging his head toward the refrigerator, asking us to fill his bowl with cold water. Since he is a Pomeranian, he has thick double coat, which makes him too warm. So, grooming becomes all the more essential to keep him cool.

Here are ten ways to groom your dog and keep them comfortable and safe during hot weather:

1. Regular grooming is a must: Regular grooming is not just about keeping your pet clean; it can also help your pet stay healthy and feeling great. Your dog should be groomed at least every 3 months to maintain their skin and coat in good condition, and can even help you save on certain vet bills.

2. Brush his coat regularly: Regularly brushing your dog can provide a multitude of benefits beyond reducing shedding and keeping their coat clean. It can also help keep your dog cool and allow you to detect any skin irregularities such as infections, allergies, or the presence of fleas and ticks.

3. Maintain proper coat length: While a shorter coat may seem logical, it can cause sunburns, especially for dogs with pink skin tone. A balance needs to be struck between a coat that is not too long or too short, and a professional dog groomer can assist you in achieving this length.

4. De-shed your dog: While shedding is natural, it can be problematic for pet parents trying to maintain a clean home. Shaving is not always the best solution for double-coated dogs. Talk to your groomer about a de-shedding process that can loosen the undercoat, leaving your dog cool and shedding less for the summer.

5. Give a nice bath: Before you bathe your dog, it’s important to remove any dead hair and mats. You can do this by brushing your dog first or using a wet-dry brush specifically designed for use with shampoo. Work your way down your dog’s body, taking care around the eyes, ears, and mouth. To clean your dog’s face, use a damp cloth. To prevent water from entering your dog’s ears, place a dry cotton ball at the top of each ear canal. Make sure to change them out a few times during the bath to keep them dry. Before and after bathing, apply an ear-cleaning solution to clean up any wax and dirt and prevent bacteria growth. Carefully clean and dry your dog’s ears after the bath to prevent infections. Rinsing is the most critical step and should take as much time as shampooing. Unlike humans, dogs have multiple hairs growing from each hair follicle, so their skin isn’t as airtight. Rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo residue.

6. Don’t bathe too often: While it seems right to bathe your dog more during summers, it is important to space put their baths. Bathing your dog too frequently can cause skin issues, and your pet’s skin can be sensitive. It’s important to space out their baths and avoid over-bathing.

7. Clean the ears: Proper ear care is an essential aspect of summer dog care. High humidity and heat can create a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria in your dog’s ears, and if your furry friend enjoys swimming, their risk of developing ear infections increases. Therefore, it is crucial to clean your dog’s ears on a weekly basis and gently wipe them with a cotton ball after each swim. This will help prevent the build-up of harmful microorganisms and keep your pup’s ears healthy and infection-free.

8. Take care of the paw pads: Your pet’s paw pads are sensitive and can be painful when exposed to hot surfaces. Avoid walking your dog on hot surfaces by using the “5 second rule” – if you can’t hold your palm on the ground for more than 5 seconds, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. Take him to a groomer for regular conditioning and protect your pet’s paw pads with pad wax to keep them hydrated.

9. Clip the nails: Regular nail trimming is important. Take the help of a vet or a groomer if you are not pro at nail trimming.

10. Watch out for fleas and tick: During the summer, fleas and ticks can pose a serious threat to your furry companion, so it’s crucial to stay vigilant. After taking your dog for a walk in grassy or wooded areas, make sure to thoroughly check for ticks, particularly around their ears and head. Ticks can transmit disease and become embedded in the skin within hours, so swift removal is essential. Additionally, it’s essential to keep an eye out for signs of flea infestations. While fleas often cause itching, some dogs may not scratch at all, making it important to watch out for flea eggs and dirt-like specks of flea waste. You can use flea combs to manually remove fleas and specially formulated flea andntick shampoos to repel and kill these parasites. Your vet can also help you with spot-on’s.

Remember prevention is better than cure. These simple tips will make your pooch not only look good but also help in keeping him cool and healthy during summer days!
