Lurking danger of Liver Diseases in Felines

Liver disease in felines is not so common, but it can get serious. So, adding to the list of responsible pet parenting is you being aware of what are liver diseases in cats and identifying signs and symptoms. by Dr. Dinesh Kumawat and Dr Gurmandeep


Liver disease in cats is an infrequent yet vital concern that demands attention and early identification. Given its importance and multifaceted functions, the liver significantly influences your pet’s health. Identifying symptoms of liver disease is crucial for prompt diagnosis and proper care. Vigilance enables timely intervention, facilitating effective treatment, and helping your pet in overcome or manage this severe ailment.

The management of liver ailments aims to halt further harm and aid liver’s proper recovery through various means like – surgery, medications, fluid therapy, and nutritional support. Early intervention and expert veterinary care are imperative for the successful recuperation of cats afflicted with liver disease.

Unveiling hepatic havoc: Causes of liver diseases

Liver disease occurs when the liver, a crucial organ in the body, becomes unhealthy. The liver performs numerous vital functions, including helping in digestion, storing nutrients, and eliminating toxins. When the liver becomes diseased, it can severely impact a cat’s health.

Liver disease in cats can stem from various factors, including those directly affecting the liver, known as primary liver disease. Some of the most common causes of primary liver diseases in cats are –

  • Fatty liver disease (a build-up of fat in the liver)
  • Toxins or poisons
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Liver cancer
  • Parasites
  • Triaditis (inflammation of the liver, pancreas, and intestines)
  • Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia
  • Gallbladder stones or infection
  • Congenital (present from birth)

Secondary liver disease in cats occurs due to another disease or condition affecting the body. These include diseases such as –

  • Diabetes
  • Pancreatitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Cancer
  • Hyperthyroidism

Identifying the specific cause of liver disease is crucial as this decides the path of treatment and appropriate lifestyle changes.

Sneaky signs to lookout for

Recognizing the symptoms of liver disease is vital for early detection and prompt treatment. Keep a vigilant watch over your feline friend and be alert for these characteristic signs.

  • Jaundice– characterized by yellowing of the skin, gums, or eyes, indicates potential liver issues in cats.
  • Vomiting – Cats with liver disease may vomit often.
  • Lethargy – Cats with liver disease may seem unusually tired, lacking energy, and less active.
  • Bloated belly –Cats with liver disease may have a swollen or distended abdomen.
  • Seizures – Convulsive movements, muscle spasms, loss of consciousness, and uncontrolled shaking.
  • Incoordination or falling –Cats with liver disease may exhibit incoordination or falling over due to difficulty coordinating movements, leading to unsteady walking, stumbling, or loss of balance.
  • Head pressing – Cats may engage in head pressing, pressing their head against objects compulsively, which can signal neurological dysfunction linked to liver disease.
  • Blindness – Advanced liver disease can cause partial or complete loss of sight, with signs such as bumping into objects or difficulty navigating.
  • Walking in Circles – Cats with liver disease may exhibit repetitive behavior of continuously walking in circles without purpose or wandering aimlessly in circular patterns.
  • Excessive drooling
  • Unexplained weight loss

From clues to conformation, the journey of diagnosis

To diagnose feline liver disease, your veterinarian will conduct a thorough health check and perform additional tests. These may include – ultrasound, X-rays, blood and urine test,

An ultrasound provides a detailed examination of the liver, facilitating the collection of liver cell samples to identify infections, cancer, or the presence of a fatty liver.X-rays help evaluate the size and shape of the liver and can screen for gallbladder stones. Blood and urine tests are valuable in determining the underlying cause of your feline friend’s disease. These tests can also uncover other issues like pancreatitis or kidney disease, which may complicate the diagnosis or treatment process.

Pioneering treatment

Treatment for liver disease aims to halt further damage and aid the liver’s healing process, with specific interventions tailored to the underlying cause. While some cases may require surgery, most cases are treatable with medications along with lifestyle and dietary modifications.

Cats with liver disease may require hospitalization for treatment if she is in a severe condition. Treatment typically includes fluid therapy and intravenous medications administered by your vet. Nutrition is also a vital part for recovery. So, your vet might give somenutrients and vitamins through a feeding tube to your pet to ensure adequate nourishment.You can also consult your vet about long-term supplements.

Feed your pet a vet-recommended diet formulated explicitly for liver disease. Carefully manage her weight to prevent future issues.Prioritising preventative care becomes all the more important for cats with liver ailments. Stay current on vaccinations, flea control, and deworming to maintain her overall health and wellbeing.

Managing liver ailments is not difficult. You need to make some changes as per your vet’s recommendation in your feline friend’s diet and lifestyle. And follow the medication dosage strictly! Of course, not to forget that your love and care is the biggest healer.

(Dr. Dinesh Kumawat (Veterinary officer MVU UP); Dr Gurmandeep (B.V.S.C& A.H.)