These are a few of my favourite things!
As we enter 2025, lets ensure we spend sufficient time with our darling furry family member. It is very important along with health, training, nutrition, wellness – their emotional needs are met also. They should at all times feel loved, wanted and cared of- hugs, kisses, cuddles, the tone of your voice should make them feel they are precious. Winters being the best time to curl up with them, snuggle them, talk to them – share your happiness, sorrow or joy. They love to listen to you and love the fact that someone is talking to them and giving them attention. Sometimes it is just important to have someone by your side and beside you.
Do your favourite things together and make memories which will last you a lifetime and give you peace, joy, and a sense of being loved and having loved. Walking down Sparkle’s memory lane and his favourite things, when he was all of 3 years of age:
- I have trained my family well and they all dance to my tunes.
- I make it a point to keep people around me busy and insist that all my needs are met- specially my walks- for me every moment is a walk moment I enjoy the outdoors. If people around me are busy- I just don’t take no for an answer- I am very vocal about my needs and throw a tantrum and ensure it is done.
- What I really love is our holidays together- the best thing I learnt was swimming at a stream at Jim Corbett- we were playing a game of fetch when I discovered this inborn talent and boy I loved the experience- I would just dive in the water, swim, fetch the stone, enjoy myself and best part is everybody else loved watching me too-so I simply put my best paw forward and had a splash!
- I also have a fetish for stones of all shapes and sizes- in spite of all my toys- I just adore them and every walk time make it a point to pick a precious one and get it home.
- I love the word “Let’s go”- I guess it gets out the gypsy spirit in me as I love to roam.
- I love a good romp too- nothing like running in an open area, that’s the reason I love my holidays in the hills as I can run to my heart’s content.
- Squeaky toys they are simply the best.
- And I definitely love people and parties as I can smuggle in a scrumptious snack or two. My mom keeps an eagle eye on me but to tell you the truth the soulful looks to guests always work. And I am a born Momo thief!
- I am stubborn, the direction I want to walk- my mom has to follow!
- Last but not the least my bed with my spider man pillow is the best to cuddle in specially in winters, yes but snuggling near mom is great too!
We all hope you have joy & magic and you can ring in very merry bells all of 2025. Happy New Year from our hearts to yours- may you all always Sparkle and Shine!