Right water bowl for your pet


Have you ever wondered even the smallest thing like choosing a water bowl for your dog can contribute to his well-being? Here’s more on choosing the right water bowl for your loving canine.
Like humans, pets too need to drink plenty of water daily to keep them healthy and free from diseases. Water is essential for every surviving being on this planet. If your pooch does not drink the required amount of water, he can get dehydrated and dehydration can cause many serious ailments including serious problems related to the heart and damage to the kidneys. In order to keep your pet healthy, you should make sure that your pooch has accessed to a clean bowl of fresh water all time.
Water as essence of life
Water plays important roles to keep your dog healthy and active as this essential element of life functions to carry nutrients through the pet’s body and also lubricates body tissues. It helps combine new cell materials, detoxifies body wastes, blood circulation and digestion of food also. And more importantly it regulates the pet’s body temperature. For example, heavy pants of your dog release large quantity of water form his tongue. So, water consumption is quite an important aspect for every canine friend.
Water from diets
There is no fixed way that water strictly comes only from liquids your dogs consumed. Water could be from all kinds of foods the pet normally eats. Metabolic water in the body of the pet is produced by oxidation of proteins, fat, carbohydrate he has consumed. This kind of dietary ingredients supply almost 10 percent of daily water requirement of your pet.
How much water should your pet drink?
Requirement of water varies from one dog to another who is engaging to activities at different levels. Dogs need more water during hot days and those mainly having kibbles should drink more water than those on canned diets.
Every pet has the sense to drink enough water required to keep his body hydrated. But if you see signs of dehydration like depression, sunken eyes or dry gums then it is time you take your cutie pie to a vet for treatment as it could be a sign of a serious illness.
Need for the right bowl
Always have two bowls separated one for food and another for water. Water and food should always be given to your pooch in especially designed bowls. There are many types of bowls available in the market with many beautiful and colorful designs which take into consideration not only the cleanliness and convenience but also how it is positioned so that when your doggy drinks water from the bowl, he has happy digestion.
Choosing the right dog bowl: The most important thing to take into consideration before buying a dog bowl is your pooch’s physical attributes as each breed of dog needs different type of bowl.

  • Puppies and short nosed dogs: Puppies and dogs who have short noses need to drink water from bowls that are shallow.
  • Long-nosed dogs: Dogs having long noses need deep bowls.
  • Long-eared dogs: Dogs with long ears need a steep sided bowl with a narrow opening to keep their ears from falling into the water. Dog’s ears when dampened with water could create ear-related ailments, like ear mites, therefore, it is always advisable to prevent your doggie’s ears from getting dampened in water.
  • Large or tall dogs: Dogs of large or tall in size should always drink water from an elevated feeder. Otherwise, when they crouch down to drink water, it puts a strain on their joints and muscles. Elevated feeders not only quench the pooch’s thirst but also help in minimizing digestive problems. Elevated feeders also play an important role for aged dogs because these feeders provide relief to them and also to dogs who have been suffering from arthritis.

Bowl options
Dog bowls are made of various materials like steel, ceramic and plastic.

  • Steel bowls are long lasting, easy to clean and at the same time are indestructible.
  • Ceramic bowls are available in many colours and designs. They are heavier at the bottom therefore they are less prone to tripping. But the bottom side is prone to cracking. As it is made of a porous material, ceramic bowls are breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Plastic bowls are light in weight and are available in many exciting colors. But our canine buddies could easily crack or chew the bottom portion. In result, they can swallow bits of plastic.

Points to ponder

  • Clean bowl: The bowl in which you give your pet drinking water/food should be cleaned every day using a good soap. Harmful bacteria can be bred in a dirty bowl and it may cause obnoxious smell to water that repels the pet from drinking, giving rise to dehydration. Clean bowl with fresh water will entice your pooch to lap up the water in the bowl.
  • Buy a bowl with strong base: When you buy the bowl for your pet, always go for one with a strong base. This prevents the bowl from being knocked down
  • Making water available at all times: If you are a working couple and your pet is left alone in the house for long hours, then you should make it a point to keep a few bowls containing clean water at strategic locations which are easily accessible by your pet whenever he is thirsty.
  • Check level of water in bowls: In hot season, pets become thirsty and they drink more water. So, check the level of water in the bowl every few hours. In extremely hot days, insufficient water intake can also be life threatening.
  • Always keep bathroom door closed: Many pets find bathroom tap and water in toilets a big attraction and sometimes walk in to quench their thirst. Bathroom, toilet taps and buckets contain full of dangerous bacteria which can lead to a host of illnesses, therefore when not in use, keep your bathroom doors locked and taps should be closed properly and buckets should be covered with tight fitting lids.
  • Give water after a long walk: Your pets also feel thirsty while and after exercise, therefore whenever you take your dog for a long walk, don’t forget to give him water.