I love you “Allan” – love tiptoes into my heart
I was never fond of dogs (till the day Allan came into our life), it’s not that I hated them but I was really afraid of them, though there was no reason behind that. On the other hand, my hubby loved them a lot. One day he convinced me (somehow) to go for a dog show. While we were walking out, we saw a person selling cream Labrador puppies and immediately decided to make him a part of our family; they looked really cute and innocent. I really tried my best to talk my husband out of it – but all in vain, he fell in love with one. Lying on my hubby’s arm, he looked very innocent but the very thought of touching him did not cross my mind. The journey back home was difficult. Allan (we named him while driving back) was seated at the base of the front seat and I took my place behind. On reaching home we fed him and made him comfortable, finally the day ended but my fear was there!
The first few days were full of activity. It was good to see him moving here and there and fun to see everybody loving him but I never had the courage to do the same. One day, he came behind me to the kitchen door and I lost my temper, the little one understood and moved to his bed. He seemed unhappy and I started crying too. I knew I was wrong.
Then one day, my hubby came and placed him in my lap; his first touch was marvelous and we became BEST FRIENDS. I became his proud mom and he my handsome son. Now I take him out, prepare his food, feed him, play with him, bath him, brush him, prepare his b’day cakes for his monthly and yearly b’day. Today, I cannot imagine a single day or a single moment without him. He brings happiness to our life. I feel relaxed on meeting him after a hectic day. He gives us confidence that even if everything goes wrong, ‘I’ll be always there for you.’ Allan’s relationship is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. He is an important part of my life.
I love you “Allan”.