The Lady With the Lamp
A small pet is often an excellent companion for the sick or long chronic cases.
– Florence Nightingale (1859)
Florence Nightingale also known as the Lady With The Lamp dedicated her life to nursing and raising the operating standards and medical facilities. Because of her invaluable contribution and passion to serve the sick and the needy, she became the first woman to receive the red cross by Queen Victoria in 1883.
Florence had a soft corner for cats and in her lifetime she parented sixty furry felines. She was very particular about the well being of her cats. She also ensured each kitten found a perfect home and went to great lengths in describing the nature of the kitten to the potential adopter. Her homes for her kittens are chosen with great care. They were all a source of solace for to her. She had a soft spot for Bismarck whom she considered to be affectionate and very gentle.