Dabboo Ratnani


Camera is his first love and Flash his second and they are together right from morning till late at night. Flash gives an enthusiastic welcome to all models and adds life to the studio. Favourite of all celebrities, he has been shot with the who’s who of Bollywood.
Yes, we are talking about the famous fashion photographer Dabboo Ratnani and his Boxer friend ‘Flash,’ who have spend almost six years of togetherness. Happily married to Manisha, their’s a perfect family, with their life revolving around Flash. D&P had a conversation with Dabboo and Manisha to know more about their baby Flash. Excerpts.

Famous portrait ‘n’ celebrity photographer Dabboo Ratnani is a name that is synonymous with excellence and creativity. From personality portraits and advertising campaigns to fashion and magazine layouts, lens-legend Dabboo has developed and showcased a discriminating and unique style of his profession. Some of the films for which he generated lot of publicity for still photography include Jism, Murder, Paap, Blackmail, etc. Some of his famous advertising campaigns include 7 Up with Mallika Sherawat, Nestle Munch with Rani Mukherjee, Provogue with Fardeen Khan, to name a few. His annual calendar is a collector’s item and is eagerly awaited with bated breath by the Bollywood fraternity.
Dabboo and Manisha have been married for 2 years and share a beautiful relationship, which is bonded even more with their common love – Flash. Here’s what this couple has to say about Flash?:

First pet…

Dabboo never kept a pet in his life, until Flash, a Boxer, came into his life. Since then, they have become inseparable buddies. Flash accompanies him to the studio and spends the whole day with him. “He generates positive energy and adds life to the studio. He gives an enthusiastic welcome to all models and celebrities,” told Dabboo enthusiastically.

Bringing up Flash…

“When Flash came in my life, for the first six months, I forgot my night since I had to take care of him. I just couldn’t think of leaving him alone…” told Dabboo with concern. Even today, Flash is always with him at studio where he has ample space to run around. “He has a bed in the studio to take a small nap. At night, we go home together, happy and content,” he added.

Sweet temperament…

Flash is a people’s dog in a true sense and is like a baby. He loves to be around people and is extremely well behaved. “With his charming looks and temperament, he wins the hearts of even those who are scared of dogs,” told Dabboo.

Any annoying habit…

“Nothing! He is an intelligent dog and he knows when he has done wrong and he does not repeat it again,” came a quick reply from Manisha. As a matter of fact, before getting married to Dabboo, Manisha was petrified of dogs but Flash’s sweet disposition refuted all her misconceptions and today they both are very comfortable and spend a lot of quality time.

Caring for his needs…

“As far as exercise is concerned, he does a lot of running and is very active. He eats home-cooked food, which is cooked by Manisha,” told Dabboo.

Flash’s favourite food…

“He loves mutton with rice, paneer with chapatti, eggs, biscuits and chews,” told Manisha.

What they love in Flash…

“He is as happy and excited to see us as he was at the first meeting. His response never changes. He is superpower excited to see Dabboo as he is definitely his first love,” told Manisha.

What Flash loves about Dabboo…

As Dabboo puts it, “We are very similar in nature. Perhaps my ability to understand every single move of his, is cherished most by Flash. We spend so much time together that I know what his needs are at any point of time. His expressions tell me when he needs his bed to be lowered or to be petted.”

Crazy antic…

“It’s really amazing that how Flash senses that there is a celebrity in the studio. Whenever there is a photo shoot of a celebrity, he simply walks into the frame,” told Manisha laughingly.

Favourite pastime…

“Even though Flash has loads of toys, he particularly loves a ball and is very possessive about it. We throw the ball and he loves to fetch it. Sometimes we even hide the ball and he finds it. It is a family game,” said Manisha with a chuckle.

Tips for readers…

“Always keep your dog clean, with his nails properly clipped and his paws clean. Never feed him table scraps,” advises Manisha.
