Pawfect frame!
Here are some tips that will help you get the best frame of your dog.
Avoid flash: Dogs are best photographed outside in the natural daylight. This is mainly to avoid using flash. Whenever you are indoors, the light is low and your camera automatically pops out the flash which gives your picture a terrible doggy red eye. If photographing outdoors is not possible for whatsoever reason then try getting your dog close to a large window, with plenty of natural light coming from behind or slightly to the side of you as you face your dog.
Shoot outdoors: Unlike other pets, dogs are very playful by nature. So, once you are outdoors there is a better chance you will get a nice action shot when you try to capture your dog’s picture. Next time when you go to your neighbourhood park with your dog, do not forget to carry your camera along. The best time to photograph is either in the morning or late in the evening. During afternoon the lighting is too harsh and not advisable.
Dog’s world: Most people make one big mistake when they photograph their dogs. They don’t get on the eye level of the dog. Go down to their level and lie flat on your stomach to take the most beautiful doggy pictures. Doing so will give your viewers a look into the world of your dog. Try to go as close as possible and zoom in to fill in the frame with your subject.
Personalised shots: Posed shots can be fun but one thing I love to do is to photograph them candidly, paparazzi style. Try to capture your doggy’s movements like while he is busy digging or burying the bone or chasing the birds or when he is sitting contentedly with his head sticking out of his dog house. When your dog is barely aware of your presence then the shots turn out to be very natural without distracting the dog from his activity.
Helping hand: Whenever you are photographing your dogs, it helps to have another person to handle your dog. Go get your kids, your roommate or your spouse to help you out with this. When someone else is keeping your dog entertained, you can focus on setting up your camera for that pawfect shot.
(Sahana Sharan is a freelance photographer based in Mumbai. She is an alumnus from National Institute of Photography).