Monsoon blues…nah!

Monsoon brings a welcome break from hot summer months but it also brings along a host of health issues like skin infections, digestive and respiratory problems and behavioural issues.

Though, cats adapt very well when the weather gets wet a few pointers would make their lives a little bit more cosy and keep them purring.

  • Since your cat will be spending more time indoors, prepare a bed. If yours is a multiple cat household, you can leave out as many beds as the number of cats you have.
  • Make sure your cat(s) can get indoors whenever the weather gets wet. Keep them indoors during heavy rains.
  • Leave out few litter trays and keep the soil as fresh as possible. Ideally, each cat should have his own litter tray.
  • Deworm your cat and apply flea medication to keep out the fleas. Check with your veterinarian on the flea medication and its proper usage.
  • Get toys to keep your cat or kitten amused during their indoor stay. Playing also relieves stress.
  • Avoid feeding them fish as the chances of seafood contamination is high during the monsoon. Feed them cat food that is readily available in the pet stores.
  • Always keep few bowls of fresh water and change the water twice a day.
  • Make sure your cats are vaccinated. This would keep them healthy and safe.
  • If you find your cats sneezing or showing signs of illness, take them to your veterinarian.

(Sudhersena is volunteer at the Blue Cross since 1998 and an avid animal lover, pet parent of nine cats and three dogs. She is associated with a number of animal welfare campaigns and programmes.)