Keeping your Kitty in good health


Our kitties can also have problems like constipation or some urinary problems. Here’s how to help him out.

A cat’s stools should be moist but firm; most have one movement a day but this varies from cat to cat. Constipation is caused by lack of exercise, hairballs, lack of liquids in the diet, disease or psychic trauma such as moving to a new home. Constipation can be a symptom of a tumour or serious disease.
Cure: If the constipation is mild and the cat is eating and otherwise healthy, give him a small amount of raw liver, greens, white petroleum jelly on the roof of his mouth or any other remedy suggested by your veterinarian (certainly not all the above suggestions at one time). If the condition does not correct itself in a day or two, seek the advice of your vet.
Urinary disorders…
Cats who don’t get enough exercise, particularly males, are prone to bladder trouble. The two most common kinds of disorders are: cystisis, which is an inflammation of the bladder, causing painful, strained urination (symptoms include blood-tinged urine, stiff hindquarters and a pronounced ammonia odour) and bladder stones which block the urinary passage (symptoms are a distended bladder and an inability to urinate).
Cure: Consult with a veterinarian without delay before there are secondary complications.
(Joan Henderson is based in Australia and she has judged furry felines in many other countries including USA, Bermuda, Malaysia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand)