

Dreams often come true, simply go ahead and chase them – you might just catch one some day! Nostalgia overwhelms me as I review the past 12 months. I dared to dream and the 6 issues of ‘Dogs & Pups’ that lie on my table, prove that the dream has turned into reality. Calls for a celebration, don’t you think? That’s right! Dear readers, we are a year old. Thanks to my team for daring to dream with me and being able to share this dream with you. It is through this magazine that we all are able to share a common platform, express our love for pets, relate our experiences and create awareness by disseminating relevant information.
The very fact that you have ‘Dogs & Pups’ in your hands is testimony enough that you love and care for pets and most probably have one. Having said that, you also are the lucky recipient of unconditional love and life long devotion.
Loyalty, devotion and love to the nth degree makes us dedicate ‘Dogs & Pups’ to our beloved canines.
Metro living brings its share of stress which often rubs off on our pets. We travel so often, get cranky after a hard day, are irregular with timings. But no matter how good or bad a day the dog has had, whatever time you choose to come in, wherever you come in from, he is always there at the door wagging his tail as he welcomes you home.
Talking of celebration and fun time, Pooja Sathe in Mumbai took the lead in organising a two-day camp for canines who were accompanied by their two legged friends. Here, all the dogs had a field day, spent quality time with their owners, and dog-lovers got to meet each other as well and exchange notes. A cousin of mine grumbled about how cold and unfriendly New York city was until she indulged and got herself a dog. Now, she has a host of friends and ‘Bailey’ is known by his name on the street where he lives!
Cheers! And in this day of terror and strife here’s to love and loyalty!…so let’s keep in touch through future issues of ‘Dogs and Pups’.
