Purrfect Felines in the show ring in Australia


The warmth and friendship of the people involved in the cat world iswonderful. Cat shows throughout the world are fascinating and it is a feast for the cat lovers. Here’s  some info about Australian cat shows:

  • Most Australian shows are held on one day.
  • Cats are placed in their cages and remain there for the rest of the day.
  • The cages are set in bays of about 14 cages and the judges go to them.
  • The cages are not decorated until judging is finished although some Clubs now allow coloured curtains during judging but with nothing in the cage that can identify the cat.
  • In the Closed Show format, the cages are set up in rows and once the cats are cleared through the veterinary inspection and settled into their cages, the owners leave the show hall until the judging is finished.
  • In the Open Style show format, the judging is done in front of the owners.
  • Any cat or kitten who bites or scratches a judge is marked U.T.H. (unable to handle) and wins no awards and cannot be judged by any other judge on the day.
  • Cats are judged on the basis of both point and Challenge system. To become a Champion, a cat must receive 4 Challenges from 4 different judges and then 4 more to become a Grand Champion.  Extra Challenges are needed to become a Double Grand Champion or a Gold Grand Champion.
  • The most exciting part is the top 10 placings where the judge starts with the 10th Best Cat or Kitten and then moves up to the Best in that particular section.
  • Some clubs have an award for Supreme Cat in Show. This award is for the cat who is the Best of the Best from every entry in the show.
  • Most of the Clubs give trophies as well as sashes or rosettes.  Trophies are often beautiful crystal and pottery pieces or very nice cat items such as carry cages, scratching poles or lovely cat ornaments.

The most important thing when entering a show is – win or lose, you always take the best cat home.
(Joan E. Henderson of Melbourne, Australia has judged furry felines in Australia, USA, Bermuda, Malaysia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Philippines and New Zealand. She can be contacted at felines@hotkey.net.au)
