Make your dreams come true…


When people say they love dogs, They really don’t mean it.
They say it generally, For others to believe it!
They never make the statements true, Of loving their dogs.
Then what do they really love, Some kind of frogs?
Some think the stray dogs are harmful and dirty,
And really don’t dare to touch,
But some have feelings for them,
And that is why they care so much!
Don’t you know, Dogs are stress busters,
And I love the way, They play with dusters!
They make us smile, They make us laugh,
Even when the Time is tough!
Just keep smiling, Because we are having fun.
Don’t you enjoy it, When together we run?
Never forget your companion, he’s the only one for you.
They love you so much
And will make your dreams come true!!
Vrinda and Feedo