“Paw-Tails” l July-Aug-05


My dog Spikey
Want to know a little more about my dog? I can definitely say that no dog is better than mine!
My dog’s breed: He is a little Dachshund, the breed chosen by my brother.
His name: He is Spikey.
How he looks: Jet black with brown socks, beady eyes and a shiny sniffing nose.
What I love about him: He is naughtier than me – here I have full competition.
Spikey a glutton: Completely yes. He loves to eat. Even when his tummy is full, he would not stop. He reminds me of a lil’ fat pig.
Spikey’s antics: He loves his mom and in an unknown place, keeps looking at her for reassurance. If he gets too scared, he just goes and hides behind her.
Finally, I would proudly say that no dog is sweeter than mine.
