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I miss you more too!

So, I miss black and white—the fur, the warm nose, the mesmerising eyes, the six dots on the nose, the way he jumped and wanted to be with only us in the morning. I miss him in all the big things and all the little things—his stubbornness, his playfulness, his anger, his highness being grumpy and demanding his meal, and not to forget, the right over each snack which was served. I knew I was in…

It’s never a goodbye!

What’s good in a goodbye I wonder? How do you say goodbye to someone so dear? Sparkle came into our lives when he was just 1.5 months old, the little heartbeat became our heartthrob from the very first moment. With Sparkle we came to know love in its most true form. With his antics and affection, he filled our hearts with a million joys. From the shoes he snuggled his nose into, to the furniture…

You owe it to them!

“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. ”—Roger A Caras. Still, we hear cases of people abandoning their dogs because it is too much of commitment, expense or care for them. Cases of pedigree and senior dogs being…

‘Dog Beings’- our Friends 4Ever

Truely our best friends, our 'Dog Beings' give us unconditional love. They also go through varied emotional moments and it's our responsibility to understand and respect them. To help us co-exist and understand our little furry friends, we at Dogs & Pups have introduced Friends 4Ever campaign in schools across Delhi. Interactive workshops are conducted with school children, helping them…

Towards responsible pet parenting!

“When the Man woke up he said, ‘What is Wild Dog doing here?’ And the Woman said, ‘His name is not Wild Dog any more, but the First Friend, because he will be our friend for always and always and always.'”— Rudyard Kipling (author of The Jungle Book). Pooches are a part of our family and pet parents are always ready to go an extra mile for their health and happiness.start button not working…

The amazing world of pooch!

Our furry friends never fail to amaze us – sometimes leaving us thinking, if only they could talk in human language. If they could, I bet we would love to talk more to our pooches than anyone else. They seem to understand everything – every mood, every joy and moments of despair – they seem to replicate our feelings. There’s never a dull moment when you are blessed with a dog. Here are a…

Celebrating 12 Years of Pawsomeness!

“After years of having a dog, you know him. You know the meaning of his snuffs and grunts and barks. Every twitch of the ears is a question or statement, every wag of the tail is an exclamation.” –Robert McCammon, author of Boy's Life As Dogs & Pups celebrates 12 Years of Pawsomeness… we look back and see how much paw love we have shared with our readers and vice versa. Things have…

Truly & Always for You!

Dining two-gether - We love to bond with our pets…love is extended to dining two-gether. The good news is…now we have a few pet-friendly restaurants in India, where you can smack a scrumptious meal with your pet. Delhi’s first dog café, Puppychino, offers pet-friendly yummy treats. Similarly, Doolally Taproom and ZooBa do in Mumbai. And such cafes popular in overseas cities are Coolbaby Pet…

Smart, Smarter, Smartest-Scientific Pooches!

We Can Decipher You - They are emotionally and socially intelligent, have great problem-solving skills, can follow human voice and gestures. Dogs have evolved with humans over thousands of years hence are capable of DECODING emotions in human interactions. No wonder they can understand our emotional expressions. Sparkle definitely knows the time to leave the room when he notices my angry emotions!…

Give back with GOODNESS in 2016!

How selflessly and loyally our K-9 companions have been giving protection to us and our surroundings, since time immemorial. It’s their dedicated protective nature that endorses them as the Sentry Sentinels for wildlife protection too; Madhya Pradesh has maximum number of dog squads trained by Traffic India for forest departments—five at present, asking for three more. Likewise, other states like…


Dogs come in so many different shapes, sizes, colours, breeds, Pedigrees, stray friends... but they have one thing in common—LOVE, which is TRUE and ETERNAL... one cannot ask for more... because you get LOVE, which is UNADULTERATE, pure and in ABUNDANCE. It surrounds you, fills your heart and soul with joy. Eyes do say it all and there is no room for words! Dogs are truly special and have…


Sparkle’s first Diwali – the little bundle was just about two and a half months old. We tried our best to save him from the ordeal – but exhaustion & tension of the noise – led to the little one finding himself a safe corner and guess where? In a shoe where he snuggled his nose and ears in and then slept. Ever since these tiny paws came home, it’s been – FOR YOU I WILL – to keep you safe and…

Completely CANINE Crazy – Oh My DOG!

We all are Truly Dog Blessed because we are all completely canine crazy and we at Dogs & Pups are really happy that you are holding our 11th Anniversary Issue – with passion, love, care and commitment together – we all will take care of our Magic Paws. Magic Paws add love, laughter, joy, meaning...and so much more. One of the best feelings I get is when Sparkle chooses me and wants to come and…

MAGICAL Eyes & Cuddles and MORE Splash Fun!

Magical Eyes – Ever wonder why you melt, give in, or just find those drooling doggy eyes – simply irresistible? Does thegaze, the look, the melting eyes just captivate and spellbind your heart? There is no is you are happily smitten and completely under their charm and spell. Well, there’s now a scientific evidence for the same. Japanese researchers have found that dogs when…

Excitement & Exuberance – Each Day and Every Day!

What amazes me is how Sparkle greets us ‘Good-Morning’ everyday – so much excitement and exuberance every morning. He rushes up to me and Suhaan (my son) as if saying ‘WHERE WERE YOU? I have missed you so much and am meeting you after so long’. The feeling is so special when I see my Springer spring to us, cuddle and sniff us awake. Both me and Suhaan really look forward to this. In fact, if…

Love is all around – adopt it!

Love is a loving heart, a wagging tail, a wet nose, heart melting eyes, somebody who greets you with a jump and a spring! Each one of us who has ever loved a Dog knows the meaning of unconditional love. Love is specially best when it comes to you - unannounced - this specially happens when I meet ‘STARRY’- my favourite brown and white very handsome pariah. My heart sure does smile looking at his…

Treasure – that is what you are…

Treasure your dog as he treasures you. He senses your each and every move not to forget your emotions, tone of your voice- specially when you need that cold nose and cuddle- enquiring if all is great. They always have that- I AM THEIR....and I CAN HELP. In school – I lost a camera while on a picnic- on returning home, sitting on the dining table was very upset. My little four-legged friend (a…

Celebrating Eternal & Timeless love…

HEARTFELT HAPPINESS TO ALL - our team is jumping, sniffing, prancing with joy - as you hold our 10th Anniversary Edition. “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” –Lao Tzu, each edition of Dogs & Pups has been bought out with passion to empower you to do the right 'practice' for your pet. It has been a fascinating journey of celebrating LOVE, which is unconditional, eternal…

Protectors all the way!

Must watch - Swedish House Mafia - Save The World, the video catches the protective instincts of dogs beautifully. On witnessing crime - one dog calls all the others - they not only save but comfort the victims. Our superhero canines - always make us happy and definitely make the world a better place! To ensure their happiness, it's very important to learn their body language and needs - and…

You & I: Pawsome Twosome!

Love and time is what our furry angels need. This is true for both our pets and our delightfully expressive stray guardians. Do think of the amount of time you actually spend with them- keeping your daily activities/routine in mind. The moments you spend with them- you can see the happiness in their eyes and heart. Sparkle ensures he gets his daily dose of pampering by all- if someone is busy he…