My five-year-old female German Shepherd Dog is suffering from ticks. Please advise how to get rid of it.


A generalised tick life cycle consists of egg,larva, nymph, and adult. The tick feeds once in each stage before maturing to the next stage. Ticks can be difficult to eradicate,so tick prevention should be year-round. Ticks lay their eggs (as many as 18,000 in some species) in sheltered areas on or near the ground. Generally, two classes of medicines are used for successful control of ticks–one to kill adults and another one to prevent ticks from hatching or maturing. Successful control of ticks and fleas depends on eliminating these pests from the dog and environment. It is always best to treat the dog and the environment on the same day.Tick control products for adult dogs are available as collars, shampoos, sprays, dips, powders, long lasting topical (spot on), and oral tablets. The use of these insecticides must be preceded by a thorough vacuuming. Places where dogs spend most of their time will have the greatest number of deposited eggs and newly emerged ticks, which include areas such as under furniture,carpets, near pet bedding, etc. Make sure that other pets/dogs he frequently contacts/visits are free from ticks. Consult your vet for right product

Question by – Akhil Chandran, Ernakulam, Kochi