My seven-year-old dog Bhulo has severe tick and flea infestation. Could you please suggest a safe method for removing these pests?


A generalised tick/flea life cycle consists of egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Ticks for example lay their eggs (as many as 18,000 in some species) in sheltered areas on or near the ground. Successful control of ticks/fleas depends on eliminating these pests from the dog and the environment. To control these pests on a dog, all animals in the household must be part of the flea/ticks control programme. There are two basic categories of ticks/flea control products: Adulticidesand Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs)/Insect Development Inhibitors (IDIs). It is always best to treat the dog and the environment on the same day. The use of these insecticides must be preceded by a thorough vacuuming; special attention should be paid to the areas under furniture, carpets, near pet bedding, and along mouldings. Make sure that other pets/dogs he frequently contacts/visits are free from fleas and ticks. The veterinarian will choose a product or products that combine safety, efficacy, and ease of use for the client. Often a combination of adulticide and an IGR or IDI is used.

Question by – Aheli Sarkar, Kolkata