What is renal dysplasia? Could you please suggest me any vet who deals in renal dysplasia cases in India?
Renal dysplasia is a hereditary disease that has been reported in many dog breeds. Such dogs will have abnormal differentiation and development of kidney tissue. They may develop kidney failure and die at a young age, or some may remain asymptomatic for several years. Other patients with mild renal dysplasia can remain normal or live for few years before developing kidney disease. The age of onset of clinical signs ranges from 4 weeks to >5 years. Some investigations to diagnose this condition require blood work, biopsy and imaging (ultrasonography, CT or MRI). Clinical signs vary in severity and age of onset. Possible early kidney damage signs include poor body condition, weight loss, excessive thirst, passing lot of urine, lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, ulcers in mouth, etc. No specific therapy or cure is available for renal dysplasia. Prognosis varies depending on the severity of dysplastic changes and severity of subsequent kidney failure and its management. You may contact some leading veterinary universities or speciality practices.
Question by – Prabhat Mishra, Gurgaon