Find out about Pet Poisonous Plants


Certain house plants are harmful to pets when ingested or swallowed.
Keep these plants out of reach of your dog. If your dog ingests any of these, consult your vet immediately.
A few examples of house plants most commonly found in any household.

  • Aloe Vera is used to heal cuts, burns and skin problems but the aloe

emodin chemical in the leaves is dangerous to your dog.

  • Amaryllis with its huge beautiful flowers is seen in many homes during the months of Sept to Jan. These flowers contain toxins that cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea if ingested by dogs.
  • Philodendron or Money Plant is used to purify the air indoors but the leaves contain calcium oxalates which cause burning and itching in the throat and vomiting.
  • Morning Glory or Ipomoea with its blue and purple flowers is grown indoors and outdoors but causes drowsiness, headaches, numbness, muscle tightening, nausea and vomiting.
  • Angel Wings with its huge green and white leaves make a beautiful picture as an indoor plant. It is also known as
    Elephant Leaves or Heart of Jesus. The leaf, if swallowed, causes irritation in the mouth and throat.
  • Snake Plant with its stiff long green and yellow leaves causes vomiting and diarrhoea if swallowed.
  • Chrysanthemum contains arteglasin which causes dermatitis. It causes redness, itching, swelling and blisters.
  • English Ivy, a creeper contains didehydrofalcarinol, falcarinol and hederasaponins which results in paralysis, coma, vomiting, convulsions and difficulty in breathing.
  • The Crown of Thorns causes stomach pain, irritation of the mouth and throat and vomiting.

Signs to lookout for if your dog has eaten a poisonous plant.

  • Is your dog vomiting and is there any blood?
  • Check for dehydration – like loose skin, etc.
  • Does your dog have bloody stools or maybe a few drops of blood in the faeces?
  • Is your dog feeling hot and drinking water obsessively?

Safety measures

  • Keep your pet away from such plants.
  • If your dog has digested any poison leaves, call up the vet.
  • Call the vet if you know what the pet has ingested and take him along for immediate analysis.