Groom Pawsitive and See The Magic Unveil


Alka Paul
Grooming your puppy or dog is vital for their appearance as well as their overall health. In order to enjoy these grooming sessions, your pets need to get trained, just as you train them with basic commands.

Training is essential for all dogs. They should be taught to sit, stand or lie down during grooming sessions. Some small breeds can be trained to sit on your lap, while they are being groomed. You can keep them calm and get their cooperation by keeping them busy with their favourite treat, toy or a chew bone.

Using positive techniques such as praises and treats will make your dog’s grooming sessions enjoyable and hassle free.

Wash away the troubles with some bubbles
Getting your pet to enjoy bathing comes with lots of praise and treats. To begin with, you need to choose one specific area for bath time. It could be the bath tub or a designated area in your bathroom. Getting your pet accustomed to one area will reduce their anxiety and make them feel secure. Throw their favourite toys such as a ball or a chew toy into the bath tub. Then coax your pet to get inside. Hold a treat in your hand at this point. Once your pet gets in the bath tub, hand over the treat and turn on the water slowly.

Start by pouring water on his legs in a playful manner and gently move upwards. Then begin massaging his coat with a shampoo in a slow circular motion. Finally rinse with a shower followed by giving praise and a treat.

In the beginning, bathing should be for a short span of time. After three to four bath sessions or once your pet starts enjoying them, you can increase the time. Keep talking to your pet throughout the time to keep him engaged and composed. Don’t scold him as it would get hard to bathe him the next time. Use a microfiber towel instead of a dryer because the loud sound of the dryer may scare your furry friend.

Make them able to stand up upon the table
Begin to train your pet to stand on a table or a kitchen counter. Here, your commands like sit, stand and lie down can come in handy during the entire grooming process. You can control your pet better on a table than on your lap or on the ground. The height of the table should be appropriate, enabling you to bend towards your dog in the most comfortable position.

By practicing to stand on a table in the comfort of your home it will make it easier for your pet to visit a professional grooming salon or a veterinarian clinic. And once your pet understands this command, it’ll make visit to the groomer and vet less stressful.

Place a thick towel on the surface to keep your pet’s feet cosy and avoid him from slipping. Keep petting him gently, reassure him everything is ok and he’ll be home soon, rub your fingers through his fur, and make him comfortable. Praise them when they listen to you and offer a treat.

Whoosh goes the magic brush
As you start brushing your pet the first few sessions should be short and fun. It’s not a big deal if you are not able to brush their entire coat for the first time. A soft bristle brush at this stage will help your pet to be calm and you can see how he responds. There are different kinds of brushes available for all breeds and coat types. Once your pet gets used to the idea of brushing, you can then buy a brush suiting their type of coat.

Dogs are generally happy when you brush their entire body, but at times they may not allow you to brush their delicate areas such as the groin area and paws. You need to be extremely gentle and careful while brushing these areas and also while clipping their nails.

Go slow and steady! And make your pet trim ready
It’s tough for your pet to be still during a haircut. You need to keep your anxiety at bay or else you will make your pet also anxious and stressed. Start training them to stand and sit on a table. The height of the table should be correct and there should be a noose to hold your pet safe and still. Slowly start brushing him and then introduce the scissors for the haircut. Keep showering praise and treats as you keep trimming their hair.

Bundles of joy and their paw care
Many dogs do not appreciate their paws being touched. They tend to get fussy and annoyed. So you can commence by gently touching and holding each paw of your pet. As you keep doing this, you may find him feeling relaxed. Once he feels pleased with your touch, you can familiarize him with the nail clippers. Make him hear the sound of these clippers by clutching them in the air. Then you can bring the clipper to the paw and offer a treat. Begin clipping the front paws, one by one, by always praising and giving a treat. Later, start with the back paws and repeat the praise and treat process.

Dental woes no more – oral hygiene is important
You can begin oral hygiene for your pet at a quiet place within your home. Wait until your pet is feeling calm and peaceful. Start gently touching the sides of his jaws and the muzzle area. Then lift the lips and give a treat. Once he gets used to these repeated lifting of lips and treats, hold the lips upwards and go through the teeth. After dropping the lips, offer a treat once again. Then you can advance with a tooth brush inside the mouth. Do it slowly by putting it in and out, praising and presenting a treat each time. Now it’s time to clean by moving the brush all over teeth, slowly and tenderly. Always remember to use a dog toothpaste only for your pets.

Quick tips
• Commence at an early stage

• Groom regularly

• Train on a table top

• Keep touching their muzzle, paws, groin area, tail and entire body frequently

• Initially use a soft hair brush

• Don’t let water and shampoo get into their eyes

• Use the nail clipper gently to avoid an accident

• Brush their teeth on a daily basis

• Offer praises and treats in abundance
Just as you train your dogs to socialise, teach commands and tell them to be obedient, training them to be groomed should be on your responsible pet parenting list.