Fretful Fabric Allergy: Your pet can be allergic


Fabric allergy is common in pets. If your pet has been using his bed for a long time, there are chances that he might be allergic to beddings. Read how to avoid fabric allergy and keep your canine friends happy and healthy. –by Dr Prachi Kshatriya

Dr Prachi Kshatriya
Has your pet used the same bed for really long? Are you noticing frequent sneezing and itching when he sleeps in his bed? If yes, your pet can be allergic to fabrics and beddings. Materials like foam, suede, faux leather, wool, etc. are generally used to create pet beddings. Dog beds are usually filled with materials called synthetic or latex memory foam. Although these are less prone to growth of dust mites and molds, the possibility of completely ruling fabric allergy out is not possible.
Fuzzy fabrics or thorny fabrics – you choose!
The bed you buy for your pooch can be of different materials. Some of the most common ones are –
• Suede
• Faux fur
• Cotton
• Micro suede shearling
• Polyester
Although mostly it’s the bed’s filling that causes allergy, sometimes even the outer material can also cause allergic reactions. Manufacturing synthetic materials requires treating them with chemicals, which can cause allergy and skin sensitivities. Fabrics made of 100 percent cotton, hemp, or tightly woven microfiber fabric, are less likely to cause allergic reactions in your pets.
Say ‘no’ to allergies
• Regular washing/cleaning of beddings is important.
• Replacement of beds at least once a year (beds should be pet friendly which contains less synthetic material).
• Woollen beds used in winters should be covered properly and kept safely during the summer season rather than lying and gathering dust when your pet is not using it.
• After washing, dry of the bed completely before the pet reuses it.
• Material used for pet beddings should be cotton, hemp, etc. which are densely packed.
Choose the best for your furry buddy

There are so many kinds of beds that you can choose for your pets. Some of the most common ones are –
• Standard beds
• Orthopaedic beds
• Nest dog beds
• Kennel beds
• Covered beds
• Raised dog beds
• Heated beds
• Travel beds
• Cooling beds
If your pet has fabric allergy, here’s how you can help him
If your pet is facing allergic reaction, consult a vet soon and he will help you figure out whether it is due to fabrics, any food item, or environmental factors. Once confirmed that your pet is allergic to fabrics, you should replace his old bed with a new one. Your vet might also recommend some anti-allergic medication, antibiotics, or a short course of steroids (only if the allergy is severe). To avoid fabric allergies in pets, hypoallergic beds are available which use non-allergic bedding materials so that your pet can be safe and have a comfortable and sound sleep! Don’t panic, try and find the root cause of the allergic reactions and follow the tips to make your pet’s life easy and hassle free!
(Dr Prachi Kshatriya, MVSc Surgery & Radiology, is from Petcetera Clinic, Pune)