Ask the Expert ….| May June 08


My Labrador Browney suddenly started vomiting, I consulted the vet immediately who gave him some injections and it stopped. But after a day, he started vomiting again. He does not vomit the food (roti and curd), but there is some white and dark yellow/brown liquid. Please advice.
– Bhavesh Panchal, Gwalior
Vomiting is merely a sign of other disorders (digestive and non-digestive like kidney, liver etc). Most vomiting cases are acute and reversible, requiring only supportive and symptomatic therapy. Generally, it is advised to withhold food and water for at least 24 hours and introduce highly digestible food like rice and avoiding high fat diets. In contrast to acute problems, chronic ones are rarely self-limiting and it is usually essential to establish specific diagnosis (with help from lab tests/investigations) and appropriate therapy.
My dog’s eyes have become red; she also has eye discharge. She seems to be uncomfortable and keeps rubbing her eyes with paws. What should I do?
-Deepti Goyal, Lucknow
Redness (red eye) typically represents inflammation of the ocular tissues, which may be a normal variant or require topical therapy or emergency surgery. Inflammation or infection can occur with diseases of the external eyelids, nictitans, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, orbit, or intraocular structures (uvea, choroid). Some common causes are dust or foreign bodies, conjuctvitis, uveitis, and glaucoma. Inflammation is often accompanied by redness of the lids or conjunctiva, spasms of eyelids, increased blinking, rubbing of the eye or excessive discharge. Meticulous examination of the eye with a methodical diagnostic approach will aid in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and help to determine treatment. Take her to your vet ASAP.
What precautions should I take for my 3-year-old Yen (GSD) to keep him safe from summer-related problems?
– Sachin, Jaipur
Health of pets is affected significantly by heat and heat stress and susceptible pets are prone to develop number of heat-related diseases. It’s extremely dangerous to leave a pet alone in a vehicle/room/outdoors in the sun – even with a window open – as an overheated car/room can have fatal consequences. Your pets can only cool down by panting, so make sure they have access to shade, proper shelter and water when outside. Dogs tend to eat less in summer but they spend more energy in an effort to lower the body temperature (e.g., panting). Therefore, a well-balanced nutritionally complete diet like Pedigree confers some protection against the effects of heat stress. Feed during cooler part of the day or increase frequency of feeding. Nonveg food (chicken, etc) do not cause “heat” in pets as many pet owners believe. Avoid exercising your pet in the midday heat and remember to give them plenty of fresh water so they don’t become dehydrated in warm weather.
My 11-month-old Golden Retriever- Sona has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Do let us know how should we take care of him medically and at home?
– Mamta Nath, Ahemdabad
Conservative treatment benefits many dogs when they experience signs of hip dysplasia. Physical therapy involves exercise, avoiding obesity and medication. They are strongly recommended to prevent progression of joint disease. Low impact exercise is preferable, such as swimming or leashed walks. Medications are useful primarily because they promote the ability to exercise. By themselves, medicines do not treat hip dysplasia; they just mask the clinical signs of inflammation. The most commonly used medicines include aspirin, carprofen, Etodolac firocoxib and other Cox-2 inhibitors. It must be remembered that hip dysplasia is a lifelong disease, and even drugs as relatively safe as the antiinflammatory drugs recommended can, and do, have serious side effects, if overused. An optimal balanced nutrition help to reduce the health risks associated with feeding excess nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, which could aggravate skeletal problems, and also excess calories, which could lead to obesity and complicate signs of hip dysplasia. Many nutraceuticals and diets are promoted for management of skeletal problems. For e.g., use of Royal Canin “Mobility Support” diet may benefit your pet. Please consult your vet before you make any change in the management.
Shagun, my Pom, is having anal irritation. What do you think can be the cause? Also, let us know about the treatment.
– Satya, Shillong
The frequent cause for such behaviour in dogs is due to anal glands disorders. The anal glands, situated on either side of anus, should empty every time faeces are passed. When these glands become overfull or are not relieved, it may cause irritation or even abscess and burst. Dragging the anus on floor or grass is dog’s reaction to pain/irritation around anus and dog may turn round to inspect its back end frequently and suddenly. Having the glands emptied periodically at your vet clinic can prevent this condition. The other causes include problems in tail, growths, constipation etc. The popular notion that worms cause irritation around anus is generally unfounded.