Make it simple
The first thing that you should realise is that apart from the trouble that you are facing in the entire process, your pet is undergoing more than that. Understand that he is in pain and trauma and likewise treat him with love and hold on to that reserve amount of patience when you give him that dreaded medicine. Here’s how to make it easier to administer medicines in pooches.
Tips to put ear drops
With a host of skin infections that can affect your pet, there are great chances that your vet prescribes some ear drops to soothe the itching or irritation in their ears. It can be a big task if your pet is of a large breed and is moody. But with care and patience even this task would become easy.
The things that you would need include, ear drops (as suggested by your vet), damp cotton wool and some treats that your pet loves.
- Hold your pet firmly against a wall so that the naughty guy does not manage to run away. It is a good idea to ask for help if you think you won’t be able to handle the pet alone. Also another option can be making your pet sit or lie down for easy handling.
- If your pet is very hyper, use a muzzle.
- Caress your pet’s ears. He should think you are playing and it is not medicine time.
- With your forefinger and thumb lift up the ear flap of your pet and gently squeeze in the adequate number of medicinal drops in the ear opening.
- Keep massaging the sides of his ear so that the medicine goes in properly.
- Wipe out the excess medicine or the medicine leaking outside with a damp cotton ball.
- Finish the task with a treat your pet loves or a pat and appreciation.
Similarly, if you have to clean your pet’s ears, make him calm and let him sit or lie down. Use a cotton swab that is soaked in ear wash solution and gently clean both the ears.
Make sure that the cotton wool is drained properly because you don’t want any extra solution dripping in the ear. Don’t try to insert the cotton ball too far into the ear as it is dangerous and also may become uncomfortable to your pet. Once both the ears are clean, dispose off the wool properly and praise your pet for being a good baby and also give him his favourite treat.
Tips to put eye drops
Eye infections are common in dogs and thus many vets recommend eye drops in addition to the antibiotic treatment. The things that you would need include, eye drops (as suggested by your vet), damp cotton wool and some treats that your pet loves.
- Make your dog sit firmly against the wall. If you think he might run away you can make the pet lie down and ask someone to hold him while you put the drops.
- The medicine would be effective only if it targets the right area so before applying the medication, clean your pet’s eyes thoroughly with a damp cotton wool.
- Hold the head up and if you are applying an ointment, gently open the upper eyelid. Hold the tube about half a centimeter above the eye at an angle so it is not pointing directly to the eyeball. Be careful that you don’t touch the eye with the nozzle of the tube as this can be infectious. Squeeze a small amount of ointment into the eye.
- If you have to put eye drops, hold the pet’s eyes open in the same manner and place the bottle about two centimeters above the eye and squeeze in a small amount in the eye. Again, make sure the nozzle does not touch the eyeball.
- Once you are done with applying the medicine (eye drops or the ointment), let your pet shut his eye and you can gently massage above the eyelid.
- Be careful that your pet does not rub or scratch his eyes after you put in the medication.
- After all goes happily, make your lil’ one happier by giving him his favourite treat and an encouraging pat.
As discussed in the case of ear drops, you should put the medicine in the non-affected eye first and then in the infected eye.
Tips to feed pills
It is a fact that even kids dread taking pills and capsules and parents have to innovate new techniques to make the process hassle free. Candies, chocolates and even muffins, that is what it can cost parents when they have to give pills to their kids. Now imagine your lil’ one who cannot even ask for all these added advantages. But you can make it easy for him.
- Make your pet sit comfortably and open his mouth while tilting his head upwards.
- Insert the pill well at the back of the tongue in the middle of the mouth. If you place the pill too far inside or to the side of the tongue there is a high possibility that your pet will spit the medicine out.
- To encourage swallowing, massage or rub his neck gently. Be careful that your pooch does not spill out the tablet when you are not looking. A clear sign to show that the pill has been swallowed is when your pet licks his nose.
- Do not break the pill into powder as the taste as well as odour of crushed pill might not be pleasant to your pet. Besides, some pills and capsules have an extra coating for delayed release of the medication and it is best not to tamper with it.
- You can also give the medication in food. Put the pill in a piece of food that your pet loves and give it as a bite. But first give two–three bites without the pill, then a bite with the pill and then another bite without the pill. Do check with your vet if the pill can be given with food.
- Be patient and calm and start over.
Tips to administer liquid medicine
- If you think your pet would be able to lick the medicine from a spoon, you can fill a spoonful and ask someone to hold the mouth open while you put the medicine in your pet’s mouth. This is a rather messy method, so you should try it on your own risk and your dog’s mood.
- The best way to give liquid medicines is to put in the cheek pouch which is between the molars and the cheek. That way the dog swallows it easily.
- Hold the dog’s lips together. Insert the end of the dispenser into the cheek pouch and seal the lips with your fingers.
- Tilt the dog’s chin upward and slowly dispense the liquid. The dog will swallow automatically.
You can also use a medicine bottle, eyedropper, or plastic syringe without the needle to dispense the liquid. If you have to give large amounts of liquid medicine, you can divide it into two–three sessions and make sure you pause between two sessions to provide yourself and your pet a breather.
Tips to apply skin medications
Last, but not the least, are the various kinds of skin medications in the form of ointments, gels, liquids, etc that need to be applied.
- For the skin medication to be properly absorbed in the skin, you should clean and dry the affected area before applying the medicine.
- Make your pet lie down in a position that he is comfortable and in a way that the affected area is fully visible.
- Pour some amount of medicine on a cotton swab and apply generously on the affected area. If you think you won’t be able to handle it alone, ask someone for help.
- It is always better that the medicine is applied on the skin rather than the fur, so whenever you are applying any kind of skin medicine, spread the hair in the affected area with your hand and then put it directly on the skin.
- Put an adequate amount of ointment and spread it evenly instead of remaining it in a lump.
Once this is done, keep an eye on your naughty lil’ one so that he does not lick the medicine, as this can be dangerous for him and also for some time after the application he stays dry and does not roll in mud, dirt or grass.
With these simple steps (not so simple if your pet is not in the mood), it would be easier for you to give them medicines when they need it. So take care and make sure that those tails keep wagging with greatest joys!!!