In full bloom: Springtime safety tips for your feline friend

Enjoy the beautiful season of spring with your feline friends, but keep them safe and healthy as you keep these handy tips in mind.


Spring is the season of blooming flowers and warm crisp sunshine! But it is also the season of allergies which pet parents need to be really careful about. Certain dangers can be lurking in your house, while others may show up if you take your per outdoors. Flowers and pollen, rising temperature, ticks and fleas, and seasonal allergies are some of the major concerns that can prove to be obstacles in your springtime fun! Here are some springtime safety tips that will keep your feline friend safe

and healthy.

Boo the bugs

Bugs and bees are quite common in this season. If you take your cat outdoor, make sure to keep her safe from bugs, wasps, and insects. Bee sting can lead to allergic reactions, so be careful. In case, your feline friend gets stung by a bee, gently remove the stinger (if you can find it) or take her to the vet immediately. Do not panic. Your vet will prescribe come anti-allergy or antibiotics, depending upon the severity of the sting and allergy. If you keep insect repellants at home, make sure they are out of reach of your cat. Ingesting these even in small amount can lead to allergies and digestive issues in cats.

Clean with caution

After a harsh winter, a lot of people tend to deep clean their home and garden/ porch/ balcony during this time. Make sure you keep all kinds of cleaning supplies out of reach of your pet. Cleaning products have a lot of chemicals which are toxic for your beloved pet and can cause serious problems like allergic reactions, wheezing, ulcers, respiratory issues etc.
While gardening, be aware that certain plants can be toxic for your feline friend. Some of the most common plants that are toxic for cats are– aloe vera, tulips, pothos, rhododendrons, daffodils etc. While trimming or pruning the plants and flowers of your garden or yard, collect them in a bin and safely dispose it, so that the plants and flowers don’t come in contact with your pet.

Keep lilies away

As much as you might love having a stunning bunch of lilies adorning your home during this lovely weather, you might not know that lilies can prove to be really dangerous for your feline friend. Not just lily flowers, but the entire lily plant is toxic for cats. So, if you are a feline pet parent, do not bring these flowers home. Coming in contact can lead to severe allergic reactions, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and kidney related issues in cats.

Lookout for tick trouble

Ticks and fleas are every pet parent’s nightmare. Make sure you look out for ticks and fleas on your pet. On days when you groom and brush your cat, make sure there are no ticks or fleas. You need to also be careful about tick and flea droppings in your feline friend’s coat. To make sure your pet is free from ticks and fleas, take her to a professional groomer. You can also talk to your vet about the best anti-tick treatment.

Rising mercury can raise issues

As springtime progresses into summer and the temperature increases, you need to prepare your house accordingly. Have a water fountain for your cat to sip and play through the day. If you are taking your cat outdoors for a walk, early morning and late evening is the best time to avoid the sun. Keep their quaint corners at home cool and well-ventilated.
Heat stroke is quite common in cats, especially with the high temperatures in India. Lookout for these signs – bright red tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, increases heart rate and palpitations, stumbling, weakness, and seizures.

Feline feasts

Just like you change your diet as per the season, the same holds true for your feline friend as well. In winters, you might be giving her slightly more quantity of food and treats to keep her warm and brace the harsh weather. Ask your vet about the best nutrition for your pet during spring-summer. Ask which fruits you can give your cat along with the usual commercial food.
In case, your pet is a senior, an expecting mommy, or someone with a particular health condition, you can consult your vet for special cat food and different types of supplements like omega 3 and fish oil capsules, calcium tablets, multivitamins etc.

Allergy awareness

Spring is the season when allergies are also in full bloom. There can be different kinds of allergies, but they are mostly due to environmental factors like pollen, flowers, grass etc. When cats come into contact with these allergens, their immune system may overreact, leading to allergic reactions.Asthma in cats can also aggravate during springtime due to pollen and other environmental allergens. So, you need to be really cautious as a pet parent. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies are– excessive scratching, licking, sneezing and watery eyes, redness and swelling, coughing, heaviness in breathing, wheezing, and skin inflammation. If you notice any of these signs, get in touch with your vet immediately.
To help manage springtime allergies in cats, it’s important to minimize their exposure to allergens as much as possible. This may involve keeping them indoors during high pollen days, regularly cleaning their bedding and living areas, and using air purifiers to reduce allergens indoors. In case your cat is susceptible to allergies, you can consult your vet for preventive medication to prevent or manage the allergies.
With a little care and lots of love, you can enjoy this beautiful season and take care of your pet at the same time. So, take charge of responsible pet parenting and swoon in springtime magic!