Beaming canine passengers


Have you ever seen the happiness, the excitement and the frenzy …when you take your lil’ pooch out for a drive? The moment you roll down the car window, two tiny paws and one beautiful head is ready to peep out…you exclaim, “No,” pull him back and roll back the window! He gives you a ‘not so happy look’ and maybe a bow-vow or two and then busies himself looking out, his excitement showing in his fast breathing and his bubbly disposition.
Yes, our pooches love to travel. Most often, they get the opportunity only while going to the vet’s place for their routine check-ups. But, you can make them happy more often…taking them out for a car ride…or better still, taking them out to some pooch-friendly places. Just take care of their needs while travelling and do hang on to him if he sticks his head out.
Sparkle loves his car rides, in fact he travels daily to work and back…not to forget to India Gate on weekends. Depending on his energy levels he will choose his way to sit. Energy levels high then Sparkle in upright with shining eyes; levels slightly low, then slouched comfortably on the car back rest and looking dreamily out; levels low then our chap curls up like a cat and snores to glory. Not only that, Sparkle has all the attention from neighbouring traffic and people. We often get an occasional wave from dog loving people. And when we spot a dog in a neighbouring car it feels so nice to see a beaming canine passenger.
This New Year let’s all do something to make our pooches happier…spend more quality time with them, love them and be a responsible pet parent. And those who are willing to go an extra mile can help their neighbourhood stray dogs in this chilling season. Give them food and a bowl of clean water. You can even donate a warm rug at the roadside to give them a cosy place to sit on. Winters are hard on them…let’s make it a little easier for them…because we love them, don’t we?
Sparkle wishes you all and his friends out there A Very Happy and Sparkling New Year, a year filled with love, shine and lots of Bow-Vows!