Healing naturally with love!


In this fast-paced lifestyle, it is common for us and our loved ones, including our pooches, to suffer from aches and pains. Imagine the benefits of having a tool that you can use to help yourself and your loved ones to feel better in a completely natural way. Quantum-Touch is one such tool, which is powerful, yet easy to learn energy healing modality. Here’s more on this wonder-technique.
Milo, a mixed Cocker, was diagnosed with endometritius in October of 2006 (he was eating, but ‘starving’ because his body was not digesting the food). He was about nine years old when diagnosed. He was supposed to be on a special diet, but he hated the food. Due to his condition, he had to have his urine tested at least four times a year. Consistently, since his diagnosis, Milo’s urine had a high level of protein. While the medicine stabilised his condition, it didn’t cure him. He was treated with Quantum-Touch from October 2008. Milo had his first post-treatment urinalysis later that same month. His urine had no protein in it, for the first time, since his diagnosis in 2006. A second urinalysis was done in February of 2009. Still no protein in his urine! The only change made in his treatment, since his diagnosis, was the energy healing which actually cured his endometritius.
Healing by love…
Quantum-Touch is a powerful, yet easy to learn, energy healing modality. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy (known as chi in Chinese and prana in Sanskrit) by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises. When you learn to direct the life-force energy, the possibilities are truly extraordinary because our love has more impact than we can imagine.
Quantum-Touch is now being taught in many countries all over the world. During the workshop, participants are also taught Distance Healing i.e., you do not need to physically work on someone.
Invigorating the energy…
Quantum-Touch uses resonance and entrainment to facilitate healing. The practitioner learns to raise his or her vibration and create a high level of energy. If that energy field is placed around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease, that part of the body will entrain to the higher frequency and allow one’s own biological intelligence to do whatever healing it deems necessary. It actually also provides healing energy for the practitioner as well as for the person seeking healing. Using Quantum-Touch breathing and body awareness exercises, the practitioner can hold an extraordinarily high vibration, influencing the person in need of healing to match the vibration of the practitioner. The practitioner will not become drained from doing the work. Most often, the practitioner feels emotionally uplifted as a result!
Healing for pets…
Anyone can learn Quantum-Touch to work on themselves, their loved ones as well as pets. You can use Quantum-Touch to work on any ailments that the pet may suffer from. When working with animals, diagnosis from a vet helps pinpoint the problem. We can either work on the affected areas or use distance healing. My cousin’s cat who had an eye problem would direct my palms to the area where he needed the energy the most. Very very smart!!
As animals can’t talk, practitioners will pay close attention to the sensations in their hands to gauge the effect of the treatment. While animals can’t talk, they are able to show you that they appreciate having energy run on them, for example, one doggy loves his QT sessions so much that each time when the owner was home, the little doggy would run to the owner ‘demanding’ QT. After receiving the energy he was blissful and happy.
Enhancing the well-being…
Quantum-Touch can be used to further enhance one’s well being. Not just for when one is ill or suffering from an ailment. For example, when you are brushing your animal’s hair, you can also run energy at the same time. You can also run it before their baths or use Quantum-Touch to charge their food and water.
Owen Sim (certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner, Master Dog Trainer and K-9 Behaviourist and owner of Best Friends Doggy & Kitty Salon cum Learning Centre in Singapore) shared that “as a pet parent who is trained in Quantum-Touch, you can run the energy on your pets for 5 to 10 minutes on a daily basis. This would keep your pets in a calm and happy state as well as in good health.” What more do we want for our little pooches?
(Bernadette Chua is a certified Quantum-Touch instructor, corporate trainer, dream catalyst by profession and passion. For information on Quantum-Touch workshops, please contact her at bernadettecsy@gmail.com or log on to www.lovequantumtouch.blogspot.com)
